Holocaust jew

18th October

Beatrice Yakubowich






I had the great pleasure and privilege to be able to greet a team of holocaust Jews who visited Denmark in the summer of 2014, of which Beatrice Yakubowich, which is also a Messiah-believing jew, was one of them.

Beatrice beaming with joy and gratitude having found grace in the Lord Jesus Christ and it was very clear that she wanted to pass on the good news to others.

About 20 years ago, Beatrice gave her life to Jesus. It was faith-strengthening to see her joy, radiance, and especially the glow in her eyes.

Below, Beatrice tells about her background, religious life and family relationships.

Edvard Poulsen


I was born in a typical Soviet Jewish family where the name of God was never mentioned, and Jewish traditions and festivals were never kept. My mother attended the local synagogue three times a year: on Passover, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana, but did not explain to us the meaning of these Holidays or why she did what she did. We loved the ”honey cake” which mother bakedon Rosh Hashana, matzot on Passover, and the fact that she fasted... till the first star on Yom Kippur. That was all we observed while growing up in our so called ”Jewish” family.


The Soviet school taught us that there is no God. Then the theory of evolution by Darwin was introduced in the higher grades. I recall buying at age 13-14 a book entitled ”The amusing Bible,” (a caricature of the Word of God), and how hard I was laughing while reading it. Then during my university studies, we were forced to take a course in ”Basics of Scientific Atheism.” In other words, this was a purposeful sterilization of human spirituality.


When I read the book ”Master and Margarita” by N. Bulgakov, I was struck and deeply touched by the person of Jesus Christ described in this novel. After graduating from the University, I conducted seminars on the ”Basics of Scientific Atheism”, right there at the institute. But about that time my oldest brother became a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and was baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church. Our mother could not understand and accept this so called ”betrayal,” and insisted that ”he lost his mind.” As for me, it made me only curious, and we talked for hours about religion, faith and church rituals. I recall telling him that in my opinion it was wrong to baptize babies, because people have to make a conscious decision and have a choice. After many considerations and doubts, I decided to go with him to the Orthodox church and was eventually baptized there. This act had no effect on my life. I rarely went to church and seldom read the Bible or prayed. My heart remained empty and so was my life.


In June 1991 I emigrated to Israel with my daughter and grandson. We settled in Eilat and shortly after, perhaps only a few days later, we met with Boris (Dov). He told us that he believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and invited us to a place called the ”Shelter”, where Jewish believers in Jesus regularily met. I refused to go, basing my refusal on the fact that I am an Eastern Orthodox believer and such meetings were not for me.


Three long years followed, full of confusion and disappointments, hurts and heart aches. In May of 1994 a popular Christian singer, Victor Klimenko, came to Eilat from Europe, and I went to his concert at the ”Shelter.” He talked about his family and life, his search for truth and many disappointments, and in between sang his beautiful songs about God and His everlasting love. Then he told us that he wants to share something ”about a Jew who saved me,” and he began to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ. His testimony shook me to the very core of my heart, and when he asked, ”who wants to give his/her life to Jesus and open before Him ones heart and soul so that he may enter in,” I raised my hand without hesitation. Seeing my hand, Victor said: ”May the Lord bless you,” and from that day on I have indeed given my life to Jesus, my wonderful Lord and Savior. He has been leading, directing, instructing and changing me ever since. I began to read the Word of God - His eternal Book, the Bible. This consistent reading and studying of His Word, further deepened my understanding of the Scriptures. The Lord taught me to trust Him and bring to Him in prayer all my problems, believing that He indeed hears our prayers and gives His help in due time. And he really does help! ”But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”
Hebrews 11,6


Ever since the day of my baptism in the Red Sea in June of 1995, I wanted to share with all who are willing to listen, my joy, love and assurance which were given me by my Lord the moment I committed my life to Him. It is amazing how the Lord began to provide many opportunities for sharing His Word and love with others. I began to distribute messianic literature on the streets and beaches of Eilat almost every morning, which is a customary task of our leaders and fellow believers. I talk to people about God's great love to all of us, His ”prodigal children.” Many are amazed and some are indignant, saying: ”How dare you, a Jewess, preach Jesus Christ to us?!” And I quote passages from the Gospels, the very words of our Lord, when He says:
”I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
Matthew 15,24


I tell them to read the Bible to see for themselves if what I say is true, and also that the Lord answers all questions. I share with them all that I received from and in the Lord Jesus, how He blessed my life by allowing e to quickly learn the Hebrew language (Evrit) to enable me to witness to the Israelis in their own tongue.


Recently I was witnessing to my neighbor, a young Israeli woman. I gave her a Bible and a few other books in Hebrew and invited her to come to our meeting. Oshra (her name) and her husband, Shalom, began to attend our meetings. Then our sisters and brothers visited them in their home, read Scriptures with them. A year later this young family repented of their sins and was baptized. So now we are one family in the Lord.


We have a remarkable congregation. In spite of the fact that we speak several languages: English, German, Dutch, Hindu, Chinese, Hebrew, Romanian and Russian...we understand each other magnificently, because our most important language is the language of love of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. It unites us into one Body of believers – Christ's Body - His Bride! Our pastor, John Pex, and his lovely and modest wife, Judy, more than 20 years ago established here in Eilat this wonderful work in their home and at the ”Shelter”, a facility of an American-based Mission which operates another facility in Haifa under the name ”Bethel.” People come from all over the world to both of these places. John and his side-kick, Johan, whom John led to Christ over twenty years ago, are both tireless workers in the Lord's vineyard: all year around, in any kind of weather, they travel all over Israel and abroad, preaching the Good News message about Jesus Christ ”first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” Romans 1,16


They have led to our Lord Jesus a countless number of lost souls, who were without hope in this world, never dreaming of obtaining salvation. Many of these new believers are servants of God today in many parts of the world and in Israel. One of them is Boris (Dov) who labors now in BeerSheva, Israel.


I am writing this testimony on Yom Kippur. The streets are deserted, stillness fell upon our city, people are fasting. But my heart is full of joy and thanksgiving. The Lord Jesus redeemed me with a great price of His own blood, shed on the Cross of Golgatha. And this is the source of my joy!


For when we were yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly.”
Romans 5,6


”...Much more then being, being justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”
Romans 5,9-10

Thank you, Yeshua! Praised, be Lord Jesus!, Hallelujah!

Beata Yakubowich












Holocaust jew Dror Haim, testimony, personally testimony, messianic jew

4. September 2014






I had the great pleasure and privilege to be able to greet a team holocaust Jews who visited Denmark in the summer of 2014 I got an interview with a former senior officer in the Israeli army, Haim Dror, who is also a messianic jew and a burning witness of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Haim Dror was obviously a character with great authority. The parts of his physical body that could be seen bore clear signs of scars and wounds which he had sustained during his active service.

Below, Haim Dror tells about his dramatic story of a life that led him and his family from the Holocaust nightmare, via Yugoslavia General Tito, back to Bulgaria and then eventually to Israel, where he heroically served his country and last of all received a deep and wondrous peace in the Lord Jesus Christ, (Yeshua) his Savior and Redeemer.

Edvard Poulsen

My name is Haim Dror and I was born in Bulgaria in 1941. In Dec 1943, the Germans were in Bulgaria. They gathered all the jews to send us to the Kz-camps. In those times the Germans needed workpower and took all the Jewish men and even the women and the children to Kz-camps in Macedonia.


We were my father, my mother, me and my sister, who was 10 years older than me. My father already at this time understood the danger of the Kz-camps, because he had already heard from others what happened in those camps. He decided to run away from the train on the way to the Kz-camp, Skopje no. 1. We were transported to the camp in cattle wagons. The train had passed the border and was climbing slowly upwards the hill of Macedonia. My father and 3 other guys broke through the wall of the wagon and escaped.

My father said to my mother before they escaped. "I will run away now, but if I live through this and you too, then I will come back and I will find you". He ran away and succeeded.


We will now stop with my father and return to him later...


My mother, sister and me, a child of 3 years, we came to the Kz-camp, Skopje no. 1. The atmosphere was cold and we were all frightened to what was going to happen. Everybody were to work in a quarry because the Germans needed the material for sending to a place called Penamonda. In Penamonda they built new rockets, A1 and A2. This was to be the new secret weapon for bombing England.

For keeping quiet the working people, the Germans put together all children, and I will never forget this place, called Barrack 24. The Germans made sure that the parents knew that the children were all right all the time, so that they could have mothers and fathers working hard labor in the quarries 20 hours or more each day. From time to time we noticed that some of the people were missing. Those who were overcome by fatigue were taken out and sent from this camp to the extermination camp Auschwitz.


My mother was working in the kitchen, of course we were suffering from hunger, cold and fear every day. My sister was 13 years old and worked as a grown up serving water. My mother risked her life stealing potato peels for her 2 children so that we should not starve, because the Germans would kill her, if they found out.


In Barack 24 horrible things happened. The German doctor, called the White Angel(of death) Wolfgang Sczluz, was doing with us many things that I remember and now understand but that I could not understand and do anything about at that time. It is very difficult for me to tell about...


Time passes and week by week and month by month we began to hear rumours that the Americans were advancing in Europe and that the Russians were moving ahead and that they stopped the Germans in the winter in Russia and made them pull back from Russian soil. The head officer of the German army was Field Marshall von Paulus and he said to Hitler that he should retreat but Hitler, sick with Parkinson and demension, didn't want to listen to him. Time passes and we are now in 1944, already more than 2 years in Kz-camp. Day by day we see that paople are missing because they fall down and were then sent to the krematorium in Auschwitz. 14th February 1945, the war ended. The Russians were in Jugoslavia and liberated all the east side of Europe.


Now back to my father. When he ran away and escaped from the train he joined the partizan group of general Tito, who was commanding the partizans of Jugoslavia. After that he became prime minister. My father was fighting with Tito and the partizans. They bacame very close friends, eating from the same plate, sleeping in the same tent and they were wounded by the same bomb. With time my father bacame a commander of the Jewish red partizans of Jugoslavia. He cammanded 150 men. They did a lot of damage to the Germans, i.e. bombing rails and destroying military installations etc. My father was ranked as Major by Tito.


14 February 1945, is a day I will never forget. A group of big men with clothes of sheep skin, full of medals in Russian style invaded us. We saw this big man with a long beard in black and white,approaching the gate, The Germans had already fled the camp. This big man then kicked the door open and began shouting the name of my mother. My sister recognized him immidiately. My mother,was sick with Typhus and I was standing near her seeing this big man, pulling my mother from the bed. I was very frightened and asked my mother if this man was the Russian Zcar. She said, no, he is not the Zcar but he is your father. Now the family was joyfully reunited.


Tito was asking my father to stay in Jugoslavia and help him build and unite the differend people of Jugoslavia. Wanted him to be in his cabinet. Tito promised to rank him a general if he staid. Father said thank you but wanted to return to Bulagaria to his home together with 5.050 other Bulgarian to the town Plovdif, second biggest town of Bulgaria. We continued our life. My father with the recommandation of Tito received a honourable job as commander of military academia of officers. Please remember that he was a Jew and this is not simple in Bulgaria, because it is a high ranked job and Jews were not allowed these jobs.


We began to hear that in the state of Palestine Jews were gathering to build a state. In those years Palestine was a British mandate and the British mandate were on the Arab side and the Jews were only few in number. 29th Oct 1948 there was a vote in UN and Israel was then accepted as a nation and the first Prime minoster, mr. Ben Gurion was declaring the state of Israel and this is what he said. I quote ”We are here, not by power of force, but power of rightness”.


I Joined the army in Israel in 1961 even if I was only 17 years old, because I lied about my age saying that I was 18 years old. I started serving the countrey in 61 and finished serving my country after 45 years, ie. 2005 I was pensioneered and invalid. Those years were very exciting years for me. I did all kinds of jobs. I was honoured to fight in the '67 years war as a low ranked captain. I was honoured to command a group of tanks. We crossed the border of Sinai and the Suez canal after 5½ days. I was honoured to be in the 73-war (Yom Kippur war). Already a major, my superior officer was shot dead and I took command of the battalion of tanks. In the war they ranked me as a lieut. Officer. We finished the war. It was very dangerous for the Israeli side. We were taken by surprise and ourselves too proud to admit. ”how can the arabs do such things to us?"” Because we were too proud to guard the borders, we were taken with our trousers down. But with the will of God, who guarded Israel, we passed it over and finished the war. I came back. I was shot twice and became an invalid in 1973. I was sent to the hospital and was struggling to get well.


I now understand that Jesus saved me. I didn't understand this at that time. He didn't want to let me die. Perhaps because I had not finished my work in the world and also I had a family. I became well and got a job in the PM offices in the secret service area. I was working with Interpol. I did many things that I cannot talk openly about to you because it is confidential information.


This represents the end of the first beginning, the beginning of my life in Israel


Now my second beginning, my real life:

As a Holocaust survivor I was invited to visit Poland with a group of Holocaust survivors. During one of the meetings at a church I saw a journal of a Roman man, washing his hands and looking at the crowd. 2 young girls looked at the same journal and they began to ask each other. What is this and what does that mean. So I turned around and I told them. Dont't you know the story about what happened here. They were a bit embarrassed and confused and said, no, not exactly.


I told them the story of Pontius Pilate washing his hands after the trial, Jesus our Savior. In those days it was a tradition to free one of the prisonnerss chosen from the people. The high priest Kaifas chose to free the man, an assassin called Barabas and not Jesus.

Pontus Pilate was a clever man. He didnt want a revolution or that the people rise against him and Rome. So he called his servant and asked him to find a jug of water and he washed his hands before the crowd and before the high priest and his company and he said. I wash my hands from this case and I have nothinig to do with this. The death of Jesus is not on me but on your head. And they freed Barabbas and hung Jesus.


Behind me was standing our head of the crew listening and he didnt know that I was a believer. And he asked me "Where do you know this story?" And I said that in 2005 until now I studied all the religions and philosophers in the world. I was studying by autodidaction. But I didn't find the answer. So he appointed me a pastor, Noham Ændern. He began to teach me and I began to see a little bit of light.


I had a dream and in tis dream I was called from Jesus and he said to me, "why did you come so late, I was waiting for you since you were born. Why did it take you so long?"
I woke up after this and felt wonderful and full of joy and I felt completely clean.

I began to go to the congregation, week by week, month by month and the pastor would come to our home on a visit week after week.

I was later baptized in the Mediterantian Sea and had a wonderful party with all my congregation and together with close friends from abroat, who took the trip all the way from Poland by plain in order to celebrate this very special event with me.


Now, I do not see the blood on my hands any longer. Now I only see light.

I am reborn!


I wish you all the best in the name of Yeshua, our Saviour.






















Tass saada, testimony, personally testimony, sniper, arafat, once an arafat man,

28. January 2014






Tass Saada Biographical book "Once an Arafat Man" is available to everyone at Amazon.com. on Kindle.

At the age of 17 he went to Fatah's headquarters and enlisted in the war of the Palestinian people. He hated Jews and was trained as a sniper.

Today Tass Saada doesn't hate any more. He met the Jew, Jesus. He and his wife work in Jericho, where they talk about reconciliation and forgiveness. True and deep, as he himself experienced forgiveness.
“ It's a miracle that I'm alive”, says Tass Saada.
He has experienced a lot that he now repents deeply. But he talks openly about everything, also all the inconvenient and criminal acts are portrayed in the book.

Born in a refugee camp

Tass Saada, aged 63, was named Taysir Abu Saada, when he was born in the refugee camp Al-Brej in Gaza three years after the creation of Israel.
His father was an orange grower in Jaffa, but saw no future in a battlefield where the Arab states throw the Jews into the Mediterranean as their leaders said would happen.

In 1951 the UN therefore placed the family in a crowded cargo vessel that brought them to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The family could live and survive financially. But they were refugees and were not regarded with gentle eyes of the Saudis. They were considered thieves an immigrants who wanted to take their land.
When Tass was 10 years old, the family moved to Qatar on the Persian Gulf, where his father opened a garage, which went fairly well. He among others took care of the prince's cars.

The rebel learned to hate

But the rebellious teenager, Tass, soon came into conflict with the police. Only because of the father's contact with the prince, he escaped harsh punishment.

He and the family were engaged in supporting the Palestinians. Tass wanted to do anything he could to help the cause of his people and asked his father for permission to participate in the liberation movement.

The father was not dismissive, but wanted him to complete his studies first. Tass was too impatient to wait. Together with two companions he went with false papers to Jordan in 1967 to volunteer to fight for Fatah and liberate Palestine.
He was trained by elite soldiers of the dreaded regimes in a secret camp in Jordan to be a cold-blooded killer. He did so with great satisfaction. He especially learned to hate the Jews, whom he considered had taken his country.

With hungry eyes he learned to assemble his own AK -47 rifle and got a strong sense of power. When the officers noticed his talent for shooting, he learned to handle a Simonov rifle with telescopic sight, and got his first secret task as a sniper. He was only 17 years old and was called Jazzar – which means “butcher”.
During his three and a half years in Fatah guerrillas, his life was constantly in danger. He tells of a situation at the river of Jordan, where he stopped to rest with his comrades.
Suddenly strong artillery fire hit just beside him.
“I thought I had been hit by bomb splinters. I was smeared in blood and body parts. My friends were blown to pieces. At the subsequent medical checkup, it turned out that I only had a scratch on the head”, Tass Saada tells.

Episodes like this made his success go to his head. He soon considered himself to be immortal, was brave and took even greater risks.
“I am grateful that God kept His hand upon me, even though I was not his successor. I think it was God's protection”.

“After I gave my life to the Lord and realized how often I should have been killed, I saw that it was God's grace. He protected me. I am very grateful”, he says, looking me straight in the eye.

Tass Saada goes straight to the point. Truth must be told, even if it is painful. He talks about the disappointment after the Six-Day War in 1967, when the Israeli army defeated the Arab nations' military power in a few days.The Arab news had told about great progress on the battle field, numerous downed fighters and victories on all fronts.

A week after the outbreak of war, as the world received the news that the Arab states had capitulated, it was a shock. They had lied. The propaganda was not only exaggerated, but a complete lie. It gave additional fuel to the young rebel’s hatred. You could not rely on the government armies.

Met with Arafat

Yasser Arafat, who became the leader of the PLO and later the Palestinian president, was Tass Saada’s great hero. He was the symbol of the Palestinian resistance and able to motivate his warriors.
Just a few months before Arafat's death in November 2004, Tass had the opportunity to meet his former hero, bearing witness to his faith in Jesus Christ.
It was a special meeting where the 74-year-old Arafat would hear all about his life. As his old friend and, on occasion, his chauffeur, Arafat knew Tass' well and his father and family. Still, it was an unexpected honor to dine with President Arafat.

But it was a broken man he met in the office in Ramallah. Tass says:
“We walked further into the building, and what I saw made ​​me shake my head. The world famous Palestinian leader who in 1994 was one of the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize, now led his organization from a hall. I remember how he inspired us in our quest for the Jews. He was a skilled strategist. Now the hunter had become the hunted, and I felt sorry for him.

We took a dingy staircase to the next floor. Nothing was clean. Nothing was in place. Then the door to his humble office was opened. I went in and saw my hero again. As a 74-year-old he looked completely worn out”. But the atmosphere was good despite the 34 years that had passed since they had last met. The world had changed. This was also the case for Tass Saada, who had just spoken at a peace conference in Egypt.


New love

Tass Saada was ordered to study by his father posterity the guerrilla period. But it was not many years before he went to the U.S. to start a new life.
He married a young American woman, Karen, in Kansas City only to gain residence in the United States. However, after 39 years, they are still married .
Tass Saada had a hard time dealing with the word love. When his wife said she loved him, he simply replied, “thank you”. Only when he became a Christian, the change came. The hatred melted away, and he finally was able to say “I love you” to his wife—he finally knew love.

Radical Paul meeting

After many years in the restaurant and hotel industry in the United States a business relationship led Tass to faith in Jesus. It did not happen as with Paul on the road to Damascus, but in Kansas City.

Like Paul, Tass had also persecuted Christians, not just Jews. As a Fatah soldier he had thrown grenades into Christian homes and fired at their houses. He wanted to be the worst. Therefore, nothing less than a radical conversion had to occur before he was transformed.

He tells of a bright light and words he had never heard.  “I am the way, the truth and the life” said a voice in a light. He was lifted off the sofa and brought to his knees at the home of a Christian friend who told him about Jesus. He lost all conscious thought as his friend read from the Bible the words of the apostle John – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, in the beginning….” That was all he remembers hearing until he regained consciousness and found himself on the floor, on his knees, with his hands lifted up inviting Jesus to be his Lord and Savior.

“I saw it, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from my shoulders. A sense of total peace and joy filled me. God's presence was so real that it felt as if I could see and feel it, Tass Saada recalls. This was in March 1993.

Reconciliation Work

The transformation from radical Muslim to Christian aid worker was not simple.
He received death threats from his Muslim family in Qatar. They felt their son had betrayed them. In their view, the apostate had to die so as not to bring shame on the family. It took 11 years before he again met his family, and the hatred melted away. They accepted him, as he showed humility and love for his parents and siblings.

Until Hamas took power in Gaza in 2007, he ran an orphanage and a school in Gaza with his wife.
“We not continue in Gaza. Since 2008, we have performed humanitarian work in Jericho. The organization is called, ‘Seeds of Hope’. By sowing seeds of hope, we are trying to build community”, Tass Saada explains.
He doesn't give up despite the world's many failed attempts at peace in the region.

“Since Abraham sent his son Ishmael away, his family longed to come back. I want to show that the Arab people's only hope is found in Jesus Christ. Seeing Arabs and Jews reconciled. That I feel strongly in my heart. Basically it's not a political conflict, but rather a spiritual one, says Tass Saada.






Maxim Ammosov, jesus, messiah, testimony, personal testimony, jew, jews,


Testimony by Maxim Ammosov

I grew up in a family of committed communists, leading the Komsomol (young communists) organization at the department of the General Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The "religion" of my parents was the striving to build a better future with our own hands. We believed it was possible if every person put the common good above his own needs. History seemed on our side: victory in the Second World War, success in space and in other areas of science. Why talk about God? Everything could be explained scientifically, man's own effort could achieve everything.

However, the Berlin wall collapsed in 1989. By that time, many of my friends had become convinced anti-communists. But I had been wavering. The fall of the Wall destroyed the vestiges of the "atheist religion" remaining in my heart.

To my great surprise, I felt uncomfortable, being left without my "religion". There was now emptiness in my heart. And I began to seek for something, not knowing what it was. I got interested in Eastern philosophy. I fell for the bait of transcendental meditation. The bait consisted in the fact that Maharishi, the founder of this movement, deceived everyone, claiming this was no religion but a way of self-perfection. This is what drew me to it. Who does not wish to become better? I stopped eating meat, fasted, meditated, and had no clue that I was worshiping and fellowshipping the demons. Nevertheless, my efforts bore some fruit: I lost some weight, could work more, my brain became quicker in thinking. I rejoiced over it, but soon my interest in meditation passed, and I noted that the uncomfortable feeling in my heart, some emptiness, was still there.

God showed me that neither convictions (communism or otherwise), nor philosophy (eastern or any other), or methods of self-perfection can replace a man's true faith and fellowship with his Creator. I didn't understand it then, but subconsciously I could not find rest and sought something I lost with the destruction of the Berlin wall: the meaning of life, the purpose of life. Russian classical literature describes this phenomenon as God-search. It was the case with me, but I didn't realize this.

Having no satisfaction in religious or philosophies, I decided my sense in life is my science. And I gave my free time to the scientific work. It also brought its fruit. I defended PhD theses in optics and atomic physics, won the competition of the Canadian government for postdoctoral fellowship and left for Canada for 2.5 years with my family. It was even better to work there, because I had access to wonderful equipment there, in Laval University, Quebec City. I worked days and some-time nights.

My work was successful, but my heart did not feel any more comfortable, still emptiness. Moreover, my inner problems began to grow into outside problems, and my discomfort grew into despair. I could not find meaning in this life or sense in my work. Why become better? Why become a known scientist? Why work in science at all? I realized I was nor serving the Truth but advancing my own career.

And for the first time in my life I decided to swim with the current. I didn't know where to swim. I let the reigns of my life go – it was a difficult step. It was difficult to admit to myself that I was totally helpless.

But God is good. The Bible says in Matthew 7:7, 8 "Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be open to you. For each one who asks receives; and he who seeks find; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened". The All-Mighty opened the door to me. As soon as I let go of the reigns of my life, He took them into His own hands.

"Accidentally", very soon after my decision, a woman that I did not know very well invited my wife and me to "meet Jesus". That was the expression she used, and I thought that it was the name of a religious movement. I did not realize she meant these words literally. We received her invitation and went to her house on Friday night. We found 20 more people there that we did not know. As soon as I entered that home, I felt warmth in my heart. The discomfort disappeared and the emptiness was filled. I did not realize it all back then because I was meeting all those new people and had a lot of impressions. But I remembered that warmth in my heart forever. "Did not our hearts burn within us..?" (Luke 24:32), remembered two disciples of Jesus but they did not recognize Him immediately.

We decided to go and visit these people once more. The next Sunday, we went to a small Protestant Church near Quebec City. After the service, the preacher prayed for me, and I felt something like wind from her hands. Somebody was filling me up; I sensed His presence inside and around; it was very realistic, thick, and inexpressibly wonderful. I did not know Who or what it was, but I understood that I was in God's presence.

My spiritual search resulted in big confusion in my mind. I did not doubt the reality of the spiritual world, but I had no clue about its structure. I contemplated silently,Who was the head guy there: Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, or the cosmic mind? I am talking to the Head Guy now, but Who is He? What is His name? And suddenly, this woman, whom I saw but for the second time in my life and with whom I NEVER shared about my spiritual problems, said prophetically: "Jesus is His name". She repeated it three times. All doubts left – through her, God introduced Him to me, calling Him by His name.

It was a revelation. The veil fell off my eyes. I found the One I was looking for, or rather, He found me. Thank You, Jesus! I committed my life into His hands and asked forgiveness for my sins.

Since then, I've become a Christian. Christians are people who personally know the Creator and who serve Him. He helps me in everything. I experienced healings, real and invaluable help in my scientific work, and other miracles of His great power.

Sometime later, after I returned to Russia and heard Jesus' calling, I left my dear physics and went to serve in the Moscow Charity Mission "Emmanuel".

After becoming a Christian, I began to realize the responsibility of being Jewish. "This people I formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise." This is what the Lord said about Jewish people in the Bible (Isaiah 43:21).

So in 1998, I joined the staff of the international organization Jews for Jesus. It's a great blessing to be a missionary to my people. God gave me the meaning and purpose of life. "I am the way, the truth and the life; nobody comes to the Father but through Me…" Jesus told to His disciple Thomas (John 14:6), but also relates to me and to everyone who is reading it now.

Born in Moscow, Ammosov is Jewish and has a PhD in optics and atomic physics. He received Jesus as his Savior in Quebec, Canada, in 1994 and joined our staff in 1998. Maxim's wife, Olga, came to faith at the same time. Maxim directs Jews for Jesus in Moscow, with Olga working part-time as an outreach worker. The Ammosovs have two daughters, Katya and Liza as well as a son-in-law and a precious grandson.
Barry Barnett, jesus, messiah, messias, messiastroende jøde, vidnesbyrd, jøde, jøder

TESTIMONY by Barry Barnett

Barry Barnett was born and raised in North London, UK. His parents, both Jewish psychotherapists, raised Barry and his brother and sister in a Liberal Jewish tradition (somewhat similar to Reform Judaism in the US). Barry describes his parents as “loving, academic, and intellectual.” He was also very close to his grandfather, who was “a tough, loving boxer who worked as a glazer and a fireman.”

A Well-Rounded Education
Barry was a part of the Liberal Jewish Youth Movement in London and was Bar Mitzvah at age thirteen. He visited Israel several times during his teen years. He attended private schools, where he excelled in a variety of sports, including football (soccer), rugby, cricket, track and field, and badminton. He also attended Hebrew school every Sunday, and trained as a youth leader at his synagogue.

After graduation, Barry attended Sussex University where he followed in his parents’ footsteps by majoring in Psychology. However, his real passion was drama. He spent the majority of his free time acting and directing plays with his fellow students.

Making a Difference in the Land
During his school holidays, Barry would often travel to Israel. He participated in humanitarian efforts, helping to run refugee camps for Ethiopian Jews who had escaped the famine in their home country and had been flown to Israel to start a new life there.

After completing his degree, Barry moved to Israel for a season. He lived in Ashkelon, a coastal city about thirty miles south of Tel Aviv. He learned Hebrew and did Sherut la'am (community service), working with children in a children's home, as well as elderly and disabled people. And he recalls proudly, “I also acted as Beni, the pop star, in an English play for schools (semi-professional), which toured Ashkelon for a month!”

A Love for Teaching
After a year and a half, Barry returned to the UK. About this time, he met an American girl whom he liked very much. They began dating, and Barry decided to move to New York, where she lived. While in New York, Barry got a job teaching in an elementary school. To his surprise, he discovered that he loved teaching. When his relationship didn’t work out, Barry moved back to the UK and continued teaching.

Hard Questions Lead to a Great Discovery

In 1995, Barry married a woman he’d met in London. She was a Christian, but their marriage was ill-fated. They were unable to conceive children together, and this resulted in a great deal of pain and bitterness. In addition, his wife insisted that—if they ever did have children, possibly via adoption—the children would be raised in the Christian tradition. Barry wanted to leave the topic of religion more open—allowing the children to decide for themselves whether Jesus was the Messiah or not.

Although their marriage sadly ended in divorce, God used their interpersonal conflict to push Barry to question his assumptions about faith. Barry says:

“I was angry. I was unhappy. I was desperate. So, I began searching for God. I had been jealous of my wife's faith in Jesus, so I visited a church and found that the worship moved me—the people really loved this Jesus.

“So I did an Alpha course, which presents the basics of Christianity and allows for seekers to ask questions. My questions were angry questions like, ‘How can Jesus say, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” How arrogant! How inflexible! What about me and all Jews??!!’ The Alpha team gave me a New Testament to read to provide answers, but I refused to read it, because I had been told it might be anti-Semitic.

“I was feeling very confused and conflicted. But then a man prayed for me to find clarity, and I felt God's peace and joy well up in me! So I took courage and read the New Testament. I recognized that it was a Jewish book and I saw Jesus clearly as the Messiah…and more… the Son of God who died for me and saved me.”

But Barry’s recognition of Jesus as Messiah didn’t immediately lead to a commitment of faith. He relates:

“I was scared to commit, as I would incur the wrath of my parents, family, Jewish community and Jewish people (because I believed I would have to convert; I didn't think you could be Jewish and believe in Jesus). Then an Alpha team leader gave me a testimony by Helen Shapiro, a famous British Messianic Jewish singer. Shapiro explained that you can be Jewish and Christian; you don't convert, you complete. You become a Messianic Jew. I had never heard of Messianic Jews. I was overjoyed. I gave my life to Jesus. I remained Jewish and stepped into FREEDOM!”

Barry was thirty-three years old when he became a believer in Jesus. He continued attending a local church and grew in his faith. He also began to specialize in teaching religious studies at the schools where he worked, in addition to teaching drama and other subjects.

A Heart for Ministry
Barry continued to teach for twelve years, but increasingly felt a calling to get involved with full-time missions work. So, in 2002, Barry left his teaching career and became a missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). He ministered to needy children in third-world countries and grew in his walk with God.

“I gained an enormous amount from YWAM. I learned to submit, obey, put God first, and put others before myself. I also learned about intercessory prayer, developing spiritual gifts, and spiritual warfare, and I learned a great deal about the Bible—I read and studied it five times in nine months.”

After several years of full-time missions, Barry began to feel a strong pull to reach out to his own Jewish people. Since coming to faith, Barry had heard about and had some contact with Jews for Jesus. He now realized that God was calling him out of YWAM to begin to volunteer with the London branch of JFJ.

“I had heard of Jews for Jesus and thought they were a bit too confrontational and upset my Jewish people. But I started volunteering with them in 2004, and soon realized that not telling my people about Jesus is much worse than upsetting them.”

God Makes a Match
Barry continued to volunteer on outreaches and evangelism projects for the next year. Then, during a Hanukkah party in 2005, he met Alison.

Alison was a Jewish believer in Jesus who had also begun to feel called to Jewish ministry. She started volunteering with Jews for Jesus and immediately felt like it was a good fit for her. She and Barry also hit it off right away and soon began dating, in addition to volunteering together.

After several months, Barry and Alison decided that God was bringing them together as man and wife. They were wed in early 2007. They continued to work with Jews for Jesus and soon agreed that God was calling them to work with the ministry full-time. They applied and were accepted as staff missionaries.

Barry and Alison hit the ground running, participating in three back-to-back evangelistic campaigns—one in London, one in New York City, and one in Israel. They returned to London to complete their missionary training and have been ministering together ever since. In addition to doing street evangelism and meeting one-one-one with Jewish seekers, Barry draws on his experience as a teacher in his position as the Children and Youth Ministry worker in London. He disciples young Jewish believers and has done Messianic Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs for many teenagers who are growing in their faith.

Enjoying Today and Hoping for the Future
Barry and Alison live in Northwest London, near the very Jewish area called Golders Green. Barry continues to pursue his passion for drama by writing plays and attending the theater, opera, and ballet with Alison. They also like to entertain. Barry says, “Ali cooks and I enjoy talking with our guests. I am an extreme extrovert!”

Barry and Alison also love to travel together. They have been to the East and West Coasts of the US, to Hong Kong, Germany, and Poland. Barry says they would like to visit South America, especially Brazil. Recently, Barry and Alison spent several months in Johannesburg, South Africa, where they temporarily oversaw Jews for Jesus’ work there. Alison led the branch while Barry headed up evangelism, and they also helped to pastor a local Messianic congregation.

Eventually Barry and Alison would like to settle in Israel, a country they both love. Barry says, “By far my best experience as a missionary has been witnessing on the streets of Tel Aviv, sharing Messiah Y’shua (Jesus) in Hebrew and English to my Jewish people in my own Land.”

Whether in London or in Israel, whether speaking to young people or adults, Barry is passionate about telling people of the freedom and peace that he himself has found in God and that they too can have in Jesus.


I grew up in North London in a Liberal Jewish family and was involved in the Liberal Jewish Youth Movement in London. I began believing in Jesus as Messiah when I was thirty three years old. I was a Drama and Religious Studies teacher for twelve years before working full time with Jews for Jesus.






My name is Alexander Adelson and I'm a Messianic Jew. I was born in Russia. I speak several languages:Russian, Hebrew and English. I want to briefly tell the story of my life and how I found Y'shua (Jesus) and how I started to serve with Jews for Jesus.

My Grandpa Reuben was a Jewish, Communist officer in the Red Army, but 22 years ago, he invited Jesus into his heart and soon our whole family became believers. I was 6 years old at that time. From that day on Christmas Eve 1991, I visited the community of believers each week. Our family members were the only Jewish people in the church.

In 1999 the family made Aliyah to Israel. When I finished school, I joined the Israeli Defense Forces. I served in the Air Force for five years. Unfortunately, during those years I walked away from God, but God is faithful. He did not let go of me, but he extended his hand.

In 2004 I began a spiritual search that lasted about a year. During that time I visited the synagogue looking for answers in the Jewish religion, but I continued to feel dissatisfied. Then I met Michael, an elder in the messianic congregation my mother attended. He showed me what the Jewish Bible says about Y'shua and introduced me to all the prophecies which Y'shua fulfilled. Most important of all, he told me that God loved me so much that he gave his only Son to die for my sins. When Michael told me this, the truth of the message became real to me and
I prayed and asked Y'shua into my heart. I began to attend the congregation.

Eventually God called me to end my military career. After I left the army I started college studies and began to work as a private investigator. Though I eventually became a manager in a security company, I felt restless. Now I understand that it all was a part of God's plan. One day my friend Michael introduced me to people from Jews for Jesus. I met Jews who bring the Gospel to other Jews who have never heard of Y'shua by reaching out on the streets, sharing during one-on-one meetings, through the media and in any possible way. I began to volunteer with them and prayed to see if this work was God's will for me. I was given an opportunity to serve an internship to see if God was calling me to this service. After six months, I knew that he was.

Now I have served with the Jews for Jesus for two years. When I finished a year and a half of internship I was accepted on staff with Jews for Jesus as a missionary. In November 2012 I started the one year training program.

During the course of my internship, I met an amazing lady who entered my life and captured my heart and we have now been married for a year. Her name is Svetlana and she is from the Ukraine. When I proposed marriage to her she said, "God is calling me to go with you to Israel and be your handmaiden in evangelization." Like Abraham, she left everything and followed Y'shua, hand in hand with me to share the Gospel with people of Israel. Svetlana continues to volunteer with Jews for Jesus and studies Hebrew. We were both active campaigners in the “Behold Your God” (BYG) campaign in Haifa in 2012 as newlyweds.
As Russian-speaking followers of Y’shua, we believe that God put us in the land of Israel to help bring the Good News to the 1.2 million Jews from the former Soviet Union now living in Israel. This year we started a new couples’ ministry to couples who are unsaved, new believers or to couples of whom one spouse does not believe. So far we are serving three couples who are open to hear about faith in Y'shua the Messiah.

The last instruction that Y'shua gave to his disciples was "… go and make disciples of all nation…" (Matt 28:19). Now after 2000 years the Gospel is back in Israel.

We are thankful to you for all of your prayers. It is very encouraging to know that there are believers who pray for us around the world. Svetlana and I want to invite you to be part of the ministry of evangelism to the Jews in Israel. Even if you cannot physically come here and tell truth to the Jews, we would be happy to involve you and update you on our ministry. Also, if you want to share your faith with Jewish friends or relatives here in Israel, we would be glad to accompany you to tell them the Gospel, explaining that it is for Jew first and that faith in Y'shua the Messiah is Jewish!

If you can support us it will be a blessing for us. Please join the Jews for Jesus family and help us bring the Gospel to our future brothers and sisters in Y'shua.

Thank you,
Shalom from Israel in Y'shua.

Alexander & Svetlana Adelson






Testimony of Former Muslim Fatimah, Muslim Fatimah's great testimony, Indian muslim testify about Jesus

Muslim Fatimah's great testimony




Muslim Fatimah's great testimony

Hear Indian Fatimah's amazing and wonderful personal testimony of encountering Jesus here...














Read Arabic muslim girls wonderful personal testimony below

“My name is Naiima and I live in a big city in Algeria. I was a convinced Muslim who prayed five times daily and I learned much of the Qur'an by heart. Through this I tried to please Allah. But no matter how much I tried, I was never given peace, and thus I had no assurance of salvation. This resulted in me eventually getting hard. I felt no love for others, nor did I have any pity for others. As a result, life eventually became unbearable.


One day I cried in my deepest distress for help to Allah; but I got no answer. Then I began to question my own faith, and whether God existed at all. I cried in front of God and I asked Him to show me whether He existed or not.


One night, I had fallen fast asleep, I had a dream. I saw an old, dilapidated house where disorder, dust and heavy stench filled everything. Suddenly, a man came toward me wearing shiny white clothes. He reached out and gave me a small cross before disappearing again. When I awoke the following morning, I pondered what the cross meant, for I knew that there was a certain connection between the cross and Jesus. Nor did I dare telling family or friends about this strange dream.


But it wasn't long before I discovered a Christian TV channel and I went to watch this TV channel. Then I understood the gospel of Jesus and the meaning of my dream. I called the TV channel and the staff who subsequently got in touch with me so I could learn more. Today I am baptized and I now attend a Christian congregation there.


My life is now completely changed, and I have been set free from all that bound me in the past. Today, I love the people that I come into contact with, and I have great compassion for those who have a hard time. God deserves all the glory. He answered my prayer.

"Evidence of Faith"
















A hindu girl turn to Lord Jesus, hindu testifies convertion to Jesus, dr. preeti,

A hindu girl turn to Lord Jesus




Hear and see this short personal testimony from a hindu turning to Lord Jesus




















Everyone has the ability to testify about Jesus Christ.

Who can do it better then small children.

Below is a video of a 2-year old boy worshipping God in his fantastic style.

Push here to see the 2-year old boy.










Hear and see this short personal testimony from Hindu Urvashi from Delhi, who decides to become a Christian by turning to Lord Jesus.
Here she tells what it cost her to follow Jesus




























Hear and see this short personal testimony from Hindu teacher in Mumbai, who decides to become a Christian.
































Hear and see this short personal testimony from Vietnamese student, who decides to become a Christian and follow Jesus













































Here you can read about personal experiences from various Christian individuals from all around the world. The following testimonies therefore cover fragments from different individual's life.


Evangeline Booth, salvation army, testimony, personal testimony, first female general

26th January 2014

Evangeline Booth


“Dear friends, let us love one another,... "
1.John 4.7

See video of Evangeline Booth

Biography Evangeline Booth:

Evangeline Booth stood outside a court building and watched various prisoners that came out from there. A moment ago she had heard someone in there shouting, squalling and swearing, and now she saw a feisty looking woman being led out of the courtroom accompanied by six police officers. Two went in front of her and two others behind her, while two held in her arms. The woman struggled to get free. The clothes she had on was torn and full of holes, her hair was woolly and bristly, and her filthy face was clotted with blood. What could she do for her?

Evangeline knew there was no time to preach to her. It would be a crime against her to give her money, and to sing for her would be useless. In a minutte this woman would be far away. Powered by a sudden impulse Evangeline ran onto this dirty, cursing and ugly smelling woman and kissed her.

The woman slipped her hands loose and searched with a wild expression the field with her eyes." Who was it that kissed me?" She shouted. "Who kissed me? Nobody had done that since her mother died."

She raised her torn apron to her face and burst into heartbreaking tears, and as a mild lamb she followed the officers into the wagon, which drove her to jail.

Some days after this incident Mrs Booth went on a prison visit to see the woman. Her face was now clean, and she now looked quite handsome. She looked at the stranger and asked, "Do you know who kissed me?"

Then she told Mrs Booth her life story. "When I was a baby my father died, and when I was 7 years old my mother also died. She died in a dark backyard in a poor neighborhood. When she was dying she called to me, took my small face between her hands and kissed it and said: "My poor little girl! O God, be merciful to my little girl and take good care of her!"

From that day until now, no one has kissed my face until the other day."
Then she asked again: "Do you know who it was that kissed me?"

Evangeline Booth replied: "It was me."

She told this lost woman of God and how he loved her so much that he was willing to die for us on the cross, where he wore all our offenses. He was wounded and disabled, so that he could save everybody from their sins.
This was something completely new. The woman had never imagined that Jesus loves so much. She opened her heart to Jesus, and before she got out of prison, she had also learned many other prisoners to love Jesus.

All this happened because Evangeline Booth kissed her. Fantastic, and what a beautiful and good deed! Evangeline Booth was the daughter of the man who founded the Salvation Army, William Booth.

Let us show our fellow human beings our love and learn the many unhappy and broken people that God truly is a God who saves sinners.

E. Campbell translated





TV programme about the below events (in Norwegian)

Who is this ? Yes, this is the name of the man who lived in the house that was completely intact and undamaged after the great fire that devastated the Norwegian city, Ålessund in 1904, while the vast majority of the approx. 1,100 houses, which then made up the city at that time, was laid in ashes. Here comes the story of the events that unfolded this tragic day in January 1904.

The house was one of that era plain wooden house, like all other houses in Ålesund. The proprietor of the house was called, Gunnar Walde. Therefore , the house is today called, "The Walde-house ". It is located in the town of Ålesund, where all the houses were laid in ashes. Only this one house survived - well not only survived, the house was completely intact and undamaged after the great fire, not even the paint on the woodwork had been seared!
For this reason, the house was for many years turned upside down and subject to many scientific studies and many peculiar theories came to light at the time. However, there never came any rational explanation of the efforts.

In 1913 the house was preserved. The municipality made ​​the decision to conserve the house, so anyone who so desire for posterity should be allowed to visit and see the house in Grensegata 2 in Alesund .

In February 1986, the Norwegian State TV, NRK transmitted, a documentary of the TV from the annual commemoration day in Ålesund. It was shown in the TV programme, " Tour Norway". The viewers were able to witness that human crowds visited this peculiar place at Fjellgata and Grensegata.

As the tour guide pointed to the Walde-house, he exclaimed to ridicule the story: "And here we see the house that God saved, because the man who lived there, would not move out ... "
This broadcast made an elderly woman from Trondheim protest vehemently. Among other things, she told NRK and those who were responsible for the broadcast, to be ruthless and reckless when they talk about " the house that survived the great fire ." She also proved to be the right person to come up with such protests, since her mother was Anders Nord's daughter!

Klara Skjøstad is the name of this woman, who then is the grandson of Anders Nord. Since we wanted to visit her, we got Birger Forsmo to help us with this because he knew large parts of the West Country, and now in January 1993 we experienced as final the pleasure to chat with her at her home in Trondheim.

The interview with Klara Skjøstad was like talking to a teenager. She presented for us family photos and told us many strange occurrences from the great fire in 1904.
" Grandfather ," said Clare , "was a man of faith of the heart. He was a man of faith and a man of prayer. His wife, Reginae, didn't have the same deep faith and relationship with God, because when the fire really began to grip, and grandfather said that the Lord had promised to protect them and the house, she was still terrified. She wore everything that had value outside to save it from the flames.
Eventually, as the flames were right outside, grandmother and some neighbors tried to take Grandpa by force! But grandfather opposed and would not be out of the house.

He had received something special from God, if not such a peace and stubbornness had not been humanly possible, at least not in one such situation.
The fire-ravaged the town of Ålesund for 16 hours that afternoon of 23 januar, 1904. After the flames had subsided and people could inspect the area and the city, it was only grandma and grandpa's house that was left intact and untouched. There was no sign of any fire at all, "says Klara Skjøstad.

Kristian Bugge, who has written " History of Ålesund" mentions this event on page 320 in his book with these words:
" In a house in Grensegaten lived an old man who had asked God protect the house he inhabited, so that it did not burn. And he was so sure that God heard him, because he insisted on staying in the house. When the family and the others, who lived in the house, had not the same faith, they took him by force out of the house. But when the conflagration had died out and it came for a day, yes, it is remarkable that all the houses in this area had been swallowed by the flames and stood back in ashes, but this house was left alone, totally unscathed, and it still stands to this day, despite the fact that it was a wooden house, like all other houses in this town."

Harald Grytten, who has written and published the book "Alesund tells" tells from page 45 of a photograph, he mentions the following:
"Another peculiarity of the picture is the house that is in front. This is the well known, Walde-house on the corner between Fjellgata and Grensegata, which was spared from the flames, while all other houses in the surrounding area was prey to the flames. It is said that one of those, who lived in this house, would not leave the house. He was so certain that the house would survive the fire. But his relatives, who were not equally strong in the faith, got very busy saving what could be saved. But they couldn't get the man out of the house, only his clothes and some of the house's contents. This they carried to the park, where everything was devoured by the flames. But the house stood through the fire, completely intact. "

The weird thing is that nobody has subsequently turned to Anders Nord even to ask him what happened and what he thought about it all. People in large parts of the West Country was very puzzled, but nobody took the step to make contact with Anders. It would have been so straightforward to ask the protagonist to make his comments on this.

Becaue Anders Nord behaved so very strangely and illogically during the great fire - as both his living relatives, and reliable historians confirm - so the public and private authorities should have contacted him and heard his explanation. Also they should seen to that no one representing the city, should get away with derogatory remarks about the place.
As far as is known, there is no direct conversation with Anders Nord in secular contexts. However,  ...
knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!
Rome. 11.33

One day in September, 1913, Peter Relling walked in the area of Ålesund, where the nursing home was. For this reason that Peter was aware that Anders Nord now lived at this nursing home, he decided to visit him. It was a Sunday afternoon, and several others were also visiting him. Eventually, RELLING succeeded in getting through to a conversation with North and his wife alone.

" Well , you see, " said North , "the day before , 22 January at 1 pm., I was alone in the living room. As I looked up, I saw a big bright angel who stood in the middle of the floor. Obvioussssly, I was scared and frightened and spurged: " What is it, Lord? "

But he said: "Do not be afraid! I am sent by the Almighty God to tell you that this night, the whole city will be burned to ashes because of the many great sins that unfold here. But you have found favor with God - and you and your wife must not go out, and nothing of what you own, you must carry outside, for everything that is carried out, will be engulfed by flames. I will protect you, and no harm will befall you."

Then he continued : " Are you willing? "

I replied, "Yes , Lord."

Then he said, "Peace be with you."

Then he took off and disappeared.

When my wife later came in, and I told her, what had happened, she was entirely from herself, but she said nothing.

At around 2:15 at night water cannon roared while the weather changed dramatically to strong storm from the west. Sky and sea were in one. The moment I saw out the window I became aware of the fire in the distance. The fire divided itself in 14-15 different directions and at blazing speed it approached our town. My wife began carrying items out one by one, yes even the curtains. Eventually there was only an empty bed and a chair left. ( And all that she took outside, burned up )

About noon the flames hit us.

I opened the Bible and read Psalm 91, while flames and smoke enveloped the house. A moment later, I got up and looked out. So far as the eye could see I could only see glowing ash heaps, but inside our houe there was no warmer than it is today, "he added.

Thus Anders Nord told what he had seen and experienced before, during and after the great fire in 1904, according to the conversation that he had with Peter Relling in 1913.

The following year North passed away and came home to God, 79 years old.

Who was this, Relling ? Our source Forsmo, has recently spoken with people who remembered Relling. He was from Ålesund, lived alone and had a hair salon in town. He was a fierce believer and belonged to a church in the city.

This man God used to write down North 's testimony, 9 years after the great fire and just one year before his death.

After this testimony, we indeed marvel
that in one of our Norwegian towns, there is a strong proof of God's omnipotence, at Grensegata 2 in Alesund!

This revelation that North got from God is the only true explanation why Anders Nord was so calm throughout this dramatic events. If he had not received a divine promise, it had been impossible for a hale and healthy and responsible family man to react in this way! And North was a man full with dignity and integrity. This is what his living granddaughter, Klara Skjøstad confirms.
We praise God for the reality that has now come for the day and our prayer is that this testimony will be a blessing and life of faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ!

So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, 27 and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.
Daniel 3, 26-28






Dr. Stowell's amazing experiment!

The Testimony of Dr. N. Jerome Stowell

Adapted For Publication By Thomas R. Nickel

THIS STORY TELL HOW a startling experiment

helped lead a Scientist, engaged in topsecret

work, to turn from Atheism to Christ.


DR. STOWELL was converted just before the Hayes-Lindsay Salvntion-Healing campaign hegan in Long Beach, California.
He attended the campaign and gave his remarkable testimony there. Later Evangelist Allon Hayes baptized him in water.
Brother Demas Shakarian gave permission for this article to be published in THE VOICE OF HEALING, simultaneously with publication in “THE FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS MEN’S VOICE.’’


Here is one of’.the mort amazing scientific discoveries of all times and a conversion, surely as great as that of Saul of Tarsus! Dr. N. Jerome Stowell was a scientist working on terrihle devices for the destruction of mankind.

‘His previous experiment made him concerned in regards to his relation to God. His wife took a trip to Oklahoma,and in his loneliness he prayed to
God that He would malie Himself manifest.
Doctor Stowell knelt for prayer with
Don Throne and had a born again experience.

He attended the
Lor AngelesBreakfast-Broadcast of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship and began seeking the Baptism of the Holy Ghost which he received 2 weeks later at Holy Ghost Rally. His wife felt she did not fit into this picture, but the immensity and reality of her husband’s experience gradually became so apparent
to her that she too sought and received, her Baptism, being under the Power of God two and a half hours.

Doctor Stowell
has given up his work and is now busily engaged witnessing as to the goodness and greatness of God.

I WAS ALMOST a devout atheist. I didn’t believe that God was any more than a conglomeration of everyone’s mind put together and the good that was there-that was God as far as, I was concerned. As for the real, all-powerful God existing and loving us all, with power over everything, I didn’t believe that!


Then one day I had an,experience that really set me thinking. I was in a large pathological laboratory and we were attempting to find .the wavelength of the brain. We found more than. just a wavelength of the brain: we found a channel of wavelengths, and that channel has ‘so much room in it that the different wavelmgths of each individual brain is farther separated .in identity than the fingerprints on each individual’s hand. This is a .point we should remember: God can actually keep in Heaven a record of our thoughts as individuals’ just as the FBI can keep a record of our fingerprints in Washington, D. C.

We wanted to make an experimcnt to discover what took place in the brain at the moment‘ of transition from life to death. We chose a lady whose family had sent her to a mental institution, but who had been discharged. The doctors could find nothing wrong with her other than the fact that she had cancer of the brain.

This affected the balance of her body only. As far as her alertness of mind was concerned, and every other way, she was exceptionally brilliant. But we knew that she was on the verge of death and she was informed in this research hospital that she was going to die.

We arranged a tiny pickup in her room to ascertain what would take place in the transition of her brain from life to death.

We also put a very small microphone, about the size of a quarter, in the room so that we could hear what she said if she had anything to say.

Five of us hardened scientists-perhaps I was the hardest and most atheistic of the group-were in an adjoining room.

THE VOICE OF HEALING 0 October, 1953 !
Dr. N. Jerome Stowell only a few weeks ago was a Scientist ond on Atheist. Now he i s o Full Gospel Christian declaring the wonderful truths of the Almighty God he discovered by scientific instrumentationl with our instruments prepared to register and record what transpired. Our device had a needle pointing to 0 in the center of a scale. To the right the scale was Calibrated to 500 points positive. To the left the scale was calibrated to 500 points negative. We previously had registered on this identical instrument the powcr used by a fifty kilowatt broadcast station in sending a message around the world. The needle registered 9 points on the positive side.

As the last moments of this woman’s life arrived, she began to pray and to praise the Lord. She asked the Lord God to be merciful unto those who had despitefully used her. Then she reaffirmed her faith in God, telling Him she knew He was the only power and that He was the living power. She told God I-Ie always had been and always would be. She praised God and thanked Him for His power’ and for her knowledge of His reality. She told Him how much she loved Him!

We scientists had been so engrossed with this woman’s prayer that. we had forgotten our experiment. We looked at each other and saw tears,streaming down scientific faces. I had not shed tears since I was a child.

Suddenly we hcard a clicking sound on our forgotten instrument. We looked and the needle was registering a positive 500 desperately trying to go higher, only to bounce against the 500 positive post in its attempt!

By actual instrumentation we had recorded that the brain of a woman alone and dying in communication with God had registered more than 55 times the power used. by a fifty kilowatt broadcast station in sending a message around the world.

After this. we decided to try a case very unlike the first one. We chose a man lying in the research hospital. Stricken with a deadly social disease. His brain had became atrophied to the very point of death. He was practically a maniac.

Afler we had set up our instruments we arranged for one o?the nurses to antagonize the man. Through her wiles she
, tracted his interest in her and then suddenly told him she didn’t want to have anything more to do with him. He began to verbally abuse her and the needle began to register on the negative side. Then lie cicrsed her and took the name of God in vain. The needle suddenly clicked back and forth against the 500 negative post!

By actual instrumentation, we had registered what happened in the brain when that brain broke one of God’s Ten Cornmandments.
“Thou slialt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

We had established by instrumentation the positive power of God and the negative power of the Adversary. We had found that beneficial truth is positive and that non-beneficial things, covered by the “thou shalt nots” of the Ten Commandments are negative. in varying degrees.

If we scientists can record these things I believc with all my heart that the Lord God cun keep a record of our thoughts.‘

He has more power than we have and.is a better record keeper than any of us , on this earth.

As a scientist I don’t believe the halo painted around Jesus’ head is merely an artist’s conception. I believe with all my heart that it is emanating power, it is magnetic and electmmotive power -that \vas actually with Him because in- al! ways He was with God in His’truth. ’. This power is promised to us. We arc promised that if we think His thoughts and keep His commandments, the faithful will be caught up to meet Jesus when He returns, God has given us many great and wonderful things.’The greatest and most -wonderful of these is His only begotten son. Jesus Christ, who was crucified ‘on:’the Cross, who gave His life and blood that we might have everlasting life, that we might be cleansed from our sins an’d be healed. of our diseases: Just before Jesus ascended- to Heaven He said,
“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you."

Acts 1:8

-Previously He commanded His followers’ to tarry until they be endued with power and had promised to pray the Father Who would send another Comforter, the, Holy Ghost, even the Spirit of Truth..

It is this Presence of God in us that gives us power,.the extent of which we have no conception as to its magnitude!
I am a scientist who loves the Lord God with all my heart, mind, might .and soul. I want you to pray for.me that I will always be faithful. that I will always he humble, that I will always magnify His truth, that I will always think and
. say and do the ‘things a positive .God. wmts me to think and say and do,: and that  I will think -and say and do nothing according to the wishes of .a negative Adversary, who‘ .kept me hlinded, and bound so many years!

The Testimony of Dr. N. Jerome Stowell




Testimony by R.A.Torrey

There is a story told of William Dorset, that Yorkshire farmer. He was preaching one night in 28 London, and he made the remark that there was not one individual in all London so far gone that the grace of God could not save him.

That is a very strong assertion, for there are some pretty hard cases in London, a city of 4 million inhabitants. You go into the east of London and see that awful pool of iniquity — the stream of death and misery flows right on.

But he made that statement, that there was not a man or woman in all London so far gone that the grace of God could not save them. It fastened in a young lady's mind.

She went home that night, and the next morning she went to see the Yorkshire farmer. She said, "I heard you preach last night, and I heard you say that* there was not a man so far gone in all London but that the grace of God could save him."

She said, "Did you really mean it?" "Why,"

He said, "certainly I meant it."

"And do you think that there is not a man in all London but that can be saved if he will be?"

 "Why, certainly, " said Mr. Dorset, "not a man."

"Well," she said, "I am a missionary and I work down in the East End of London, and I have found a man there who says that there is no hope for him. He is dying, and I can't make him believe that there is any hope for him. I wish you would go and see him. '

' The man of God said he would be glad to go. She took him down one of those narrow streets until they came to an old filthy building.

She said, "I think, perhaps, you can manage him better alone." It was a five-story building.

He went up stairs to the uppermost story and found a young man lying there upon some straw ; there was no bed. Ah! the way of the transgressor is hard! He had got clear down into great poverty and there he was sick and .dying.

Mr. Dorset bent over him, whispered into his ear and called him friend. The young man looked up at him astonished.

"You are mistaken, sir, in the person. You have got in the wrong place."

"How is that?" asked Mr. Dorset.

"Well, sir, I have no friend ; I am friendless." He said,

"You have a friend." Then he told him of the sinner's friend. He told him how Christ loved him.

The young man shook his head, "Christ doesn't love me."

"Why not?"

"I have sinned against Him all my life."

"I don't care if you have. He loves you still and He wants to save you." And he preached Christ to him there. He told him of the* glorious grace of God. He told him that God could save him, and he read to him out of the Bible. The light of the gospel began to dawn upon that darkened mind, and the first sign of a new life was, his heart went out toward those whom he had injured, and he said, "If I could only know that my father would forgive me I could die in this garret happy. '

' He asked him where his father lived. He said, "In the West End of London."

Mr. Dorset said, "I will go up and see him and will ask him if he will not forgive you."

The young man shook his head. "I don't want you to do that. Why, sir, my father has disowned me. He has disinherited me. My father has had my name taken off the family record. He does not own me any more as his boy. I am as dead, sir, to him. If you go and talk to him about me he will get angry and order you out of the house, and you have been so kind to me I don't want your feelings hurt."

Mr. Dorset went up to the West End of London to a most beautiful place and rang the bell. A servant dressed in livery came to the door. Mr.Dorset inquired if his master was in, and was told that he was. He was taken into the drawing-room, and while he was waiting there for the man of the house to come down, he looked around him. There was not a thing that heart could desire that had not been laid into that beautiful home.

By and by the man came into the room. Mr. Dorset got up and went across the room to shake hands with him.

He said, "You have a son, sir, by the name of Joseph, have you not?"

The father's hand fell by his side. His countenance changed.

Mr. Dorset saw that he had made him very angry. He said in a great rage, "No, sir. And if you have come here to talk to me about that worthless vagabond I want you to leave my house, I don't allow any one to mention his name in my presence. He has been dead to me for years, and if you have been to him you have been deceived. He cannot be relied upon." He turned on his heel to go out of the room, to leave him.

Mr. Dorset said, "Well, he is your boy yet. He won't be long."

The father turned again; "Is my Joseph sick"

"Yes, your boy is at the point of death, sir. He is dying. I have not come here to ask you to take him home, or to ask you to give him anything, sir ; I will see that he has a decent burial. All I want is to have you tell me that you forgive him, and let him die in peace.

"The great heart of the father was broken, and he said, "Forgive him? Oh, I would" have forgiven him long ago if I had known he wanted it. Forgive him! Certainly. Can you take me to him?"

The man of God said he would take him to him, and they ^ot into a carriage and were soon on their way; and when the father reached that garret he could hardly recognize his boy, all mangled and bruised by the fall of sin.

The first hing the boy said to his father was, "Father, can you forgive me? Will you forgive me?"

"Oh, Joseph, I would have forgiven you long ago if I had known you wanted it. " He met him in grace right there. The father said, "Let my servant take you in the carriage and take you home. I cannot let you die in this fearful place."

"No, father, I am not well enough to be moved. I shall die soon, but I can die happy now that I know you have forgiven me; for I believe that God, for Christ's sake has forgiven me." And in a little while, with his head on the bosom of his father, Joseph breathed his last breath.

Yes, my friends, that father was willing to forgive him when he knew that the boy wanted grace.

Now God knows all your hearts, and if you want grace to-day the God of all grace will meet you. He will meet you in mercy the same way as this father. He wants to bless you today. Sin ruins. Sin destroys, but the grace of God lifts up. O, may the grace of God lift you up to-day and place your feet on the Rock of Ages.







In 1967 the publisher, Lohse published a book of P.H.Lauritzen. The book was titled "Angels – mystery and reality. " Frithiof Bjørk (probably Swede ) wrote the following about what he had experienced.

" I
resigned in office in protest against the liberal theology and resigned my position in the church of Blasieholm.

I nourished
myself as a free preacher. Good people supported me The summer of 1919 the small church stood finished. They had given me a plot of land and building materials.

I wrote therefore to the bishop and asked him to come and inaugurate the church. I got a brotherly letter in reply, in which he wished me
all the best and Gods blessings, but went on to explain that he had no authority to dedicate churches that were not part of the state church. The inauguration took place as a great solemnity. There had been a huge crowd of people celebratr the event.

In the evening when everything was over and I had accompanied some friends to the train, I walked home alone through the forest. My heart was filled with gratitude and praise
to God for this unforgettable day. I had no idea how unforgettable the day was to be for me.
It was
about 9 o'oclock in the evening. I' just wanted to go to the church alone to thank God that I had a church to preach in.

I opened the church door and stood with
my hand on the handle, without moving. At the altar stood an angel with his back to me. By posture I could conclude that the angel had placed the arms across the chest. His head turned slightly upwards in worship. I saw clearly every fold in the angel's white clothes. The angel's white clothes were woven together by living, shimmering light that twinkled like newly fallen snow on white snow. The source of light was as a completely white rainbow or halo from his body, not only from his head, as we are used to seeing it in images of angels.
I saw no wings.

The strangest thing of all was the atmosphere inside the church.
You all probably know, how it feels when you a cold winter day step into a warm room. The heat hits you in the face. I felt exactly the same now, i.e. lik a physical wave of heavenly happiness and peace.
At the same time I was scared. I came to think of Peter's words : "Go away from me , Lord, for I am a sinful man."

I was deathly afraid of the supernatural and had the sinner's fear of the totally pure and holy .
There must have gone at least 10 minutes since the heavenly guest
had come. All of a sudden, he turned and I could see him from the side. He had a human form but was neither male nor female. Through the strong, shining light I saw the pure earnest in his face. Without a sound the angel slipped out and disappeared. At this very second it felt as if you turn off the lights and everything gets dark. The atmosphere inside the church was again mortal. The air got back to its normal temperatures.

After a while I
went to the altar. I felt dizzy and minutes later I found myself on my knees inside the altar.
" Kirkeklokken "
E. Campbell translated



The Bible teaches us that it is possible to ask for wisdom.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
Jak. 1.5

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.
Luke 24,45

Here the life stories of two men who turned to the Lord and asked for wisdom, where they were in need and did not know their way out.

The first man was Emanuel Minos : He says the following:

Once, when I was in Sweden and preached the Gospel, a journalist came to me. He would like to have a conversation with me. I fear journalists, because they are sly and cunning as few and often have an hidden agenda with their questions. A photographer was with him. The reporter smiled and was very pleasant, but the more congenial and accommodating he was, the more I feared him and was on watch.

"When did you preach for the first time, Minos ? " He asked.

"When I was 5 years old!"

" And when were you baptized by the Spirit? "

"When I was 7!

And it continued like this for some time. The photographer later left us and the reporter too, was getting ready to leave. He had only asked general questions, so I thought I had done him wrong. He then grabbed the handle and was about to open the door, but suddenly, he turned and asked "Minos, what is your political orientation, are you right or left-wing?"

" So, now you got it! Here came the dangerous and attacking question that I feared, in order to put me to the test"
I knew I was in trouble and therefore asked for help from the Lord, for I had no idea what to answer him. The answer came in a split second.

"I'm Calvary- oriented," I replied.

" What? " He said in surprice.

"Well, you know that at Calvary, Jesus hung on the cross in the middle. The guy who was on his right side, was a robber, and the other one on the left hand side was also a robber. You see, that there were errors and violations of the law both on the right side as on the left side. The solution was in the middle. Jesus died on Calvary to atone for the sins of all mankind, or with more modern terms, to fix the problems that all people do, ie regardless to where you may find yourself on the scale from right to left, so therefore I am Calvary-oriented!"

The second man is Terje Billet, who tells of his grandfather, who was also in exceptional and troubled circumstances.

Here the story of my grandfather, Karl Billet when he as a strong believer faced a difficult decision. But he prayed to God for wisdom, as the Scripture tell in e.g. James 1.5.
And he got wisdom.
Grandfather was caretaker at the School of Fredrikstad for many years. Both students and teachers liked him and had great esteem for the man. He was honest as few and in his beliefs as a Christian, he never gave in or ceded what he believed in. During the war, while Norway was occupied by the Germans, he found himself in a situation where he had to make a difficult choice. The prolonged arm of the German occupying power, the Norwegian authorities, demanded that a poster of "Der Führer" was mounted at the school instead of the image of the then King Haakon 7.

Grandpa knew that if he refused, it was the same as challenging the dreaded, Gestapo, and it would have serious consequences, not only for himself but for the whole family. His mind was troubled and running at full speed, and he was utterly perplexed: " Should he , Karl Billet, mount a poster of "Der Fuhrer" instead of their beloved King, Haakon? No, never!

But what could he do to evade the Germans' orders?

The problem seemed insoluble. But then the order again echoed within himself:
"The poster of der Fuhrer must be mounted!
The word "Der Führer" echoed again and again, der Führer, Führer, Führer.

Then all of a sudden, yes, of course!
Why didn't he think of this before: Christ is our Führer, Christ is the answer!

When the Germans later came to inspect the facilities, that everything was as it should be, they found the image of Jesus Christ instead of Hitler!

As they stood in front of this solution, the German officers were completely disarmed and could do nothing, because according to Hitler's propaganda campaign, it was not possible to put Hitler higher than Christ. It could create great resistance and uprise in the population. The Germans therefore slammed their boot heels and saluted and disappeared from the school premises!
Grandfather, as you can guess, was immensely happy and full of gratitude to his Lord and Master.

Effie Campbell translated


When someone calls wrong number, we are often annoyed, but in this specific case an unhappy man was saved from death and could start a new life.

Roger was
weaping, but there were no tears left. The situation was hopeless. He could not bear to go on like this anymore. Now he was just a shadow of himself. Life had long ago lost its value. What could be the harm? There was nothing that was worth living for any longer, no hope. He had no money left and his nerves were damaged. He had been physically strong but his health had been completely destroyed in recent months because he had drunk too much.

He walked
restlessly along one street after another, while evil thoughts tormented his mind. He was one of the thousands of people living alone in the big city stone wasteland.

Six months ago, Roger received the news that his mother was seriously ill and wanted h
er only son home. At the time he was on board a boat outside the coast of Spain on the way to Casablanca. As soon as it was possible for him, he signed off and took the plane flight home from Lisbon.

having arrived to Norway, he received the sad news that he had come too late. His mother was dead. Roger blamed himself for this and after the funeral he left home. But he did not want to go to sea again. In the capital, he rented a room. In the beginning he worked down to the dock for the money had to stretch as long as possible. He had plans to seek a permanent job later, but these plans came to nothing.

Days and months passed and Roger started chain smoking and drinking. He became increasingly depressed.
His self-confidence began to falter. What use was there at all in him? None. He was a total failure . Who would know of one like him? He had been away from home for too long. The friends he had 8 - 10 years ago were spread across the country. Most of them had probably married and had started a family. He now went about without having anything particular to do.

The mother's death had hit Roger severely. She had cried when he went to sea.
His father had died and his mother needed Roger at home. But he would not listen to her. He wanted to get out and see the world. This was his big chance.

Seamen's life was not as romantic as he would have liked it, but he had endured
sofar. The years passed and Roger had certainly seen the world. He didn't visit his mother very often anymore. The girls and the pubs in the various ports of call was more important for him. But when the message about his mother's illness reached him, his conscience woke up. He immediately turned towards home but came too late ....

Usually, Roger had no trouble getting
along and socializing with people. He was a pleasant and endearing young man. But after he came back home to Norway he was not the same person anymore. Now he was passive, stuffy and retracted. A few months ago, he had met a girl. He was captivated by her and tried to get everything in order again. But all this was squandered when the girl heard that he had no steady work. She did not want to see him again ...

Time and again he drank himself drunk. The one time he was taken into custody, where he was allowed to sleep it off.

Rogers mother
was a believing woman. He had run away from home because he wanted to go his own way. He did not want to have anything to do with his mother's Christianity. The world was evil. God did not exist. He tried to convince himself that he was an atheist. This thought made ​​him feel even more alone.


It was night . The clock struck 2 Most of the city was asleep, but Roger walked
restlessly back and forth. It was starting pouring down ½ hour ago. Roger was soaked. He headed for the room on foot. Several times he contemplate suicide. He looked down at the dark water from the quayside. Would it not in fact be much easier to get it over like that? No, he had his doubts ...

Now that he had come home again he threw himself on the
unmade-up bed.

Roger did not sleep well, and when the sun's rays shone in his eyes on a new day, he went up
and pulled the pillow over his head. He wanted to sleep. He could not bear to face a new day again. If he could just sleep from all ...

Now was the time. His eyes roamed the gas tap in the oven. There was the solution. No one would miss him ...

He got up and turned the gas tap. In the closet was a
demi-full bottle and with it he swallowed some sleeping pills. It would make it easier for him. It was not necessary for him to write a farewell letter. There was noone, he had to say goodbye to. Roger let himself glide down on the bed. Then this was the end of an unsuccessful life. He heard how the gas seeped into the room. The window and the door was locked. The air began to be heavy.

Roger was frightened. The phone rang violently and made ​​him open his eyes.
He was very dizzy. He closed his eyes again. Was this something he imagined ? No, it rang once again. Roger again tried to push the pillow against his ears. However, the phone continued its relentless noise. He had to stop the phone. The legs shook under him as he stood up and lurched towards the phone. He just wanted to silence the phone but for some reason he put it to his ear. He heard a song. It sounded like angels singing :

God takes care of you, whatever happens , he knows everything
God takes care of you, God takes care of you.

If dangers threaten you on the road of life, God takes care of you
Rest in His promises, and fear not, God takes care of you.

Roger did not know whether he was dreaming or
if he was awake. The memories washed over him. He opened the window and fresh air streamed in. Then he noticed that someone was talking on the phone.

" Hello, hello ,
is this by the Svendsen? "

"No, you must have dialed a wrong number, but wait, do not hang up! Please do not
hang up, wait a bit! "

shut the gass tap and turned back to the phone. All his desire to put an end to his life had vanished. He had tears in his eyes when he heard the song. Someone had dialed the wrong number and thus saved his life. Yet he felt a little dizzy, but now the fresh air pushed the gas out of the room.

"Hello ... yes , forgive us, I understand that we have been wrong. The idea was that we wanted to
congratulate on a day of celebration, and we usually do it with this song ... "

" I
cannot speak up right now. You have saved a desperate live." It was hard for Roger to be in control of himself. The voice failed him. He cried helplessly. Something had happened to him during these seconds. He had received a personal message from God, the God whom he had denied and turned his back on. Now it was no longer possible to be in doubt. What had now happened was not just a coincidence. The words " God takes care of you " hit him right in the heart . This was his mother's favorite song. Now she was no longer here, but the words of the song had a message for him. God was real, one who cared for the individual.

Roger for the first time in many years opened his heart to the girl on the phone. He did not know who he was talking to, but it was someone who
was truly connected with God. He explained down to the smallest detail about his miserable situation, and the girl listened intently and she was in heart gripped by this story.

" God's ways are truly mysterious. I do not understand it, but it is quite clear that this conversation so to speak, should reach the wrong person. God has a message for you. Life is not hopeless.
There is joy and hope. Despite what you've been through seem pointless, it's not what matters. You are young and have to look forward. Your mother's salvation is for you. Her prayers have not been in vain. "
"But do I really dare to believe all this? Is there a salvation for me? My life is a failure and I have nothing to contribute."

" God does not look at the person. He accepts us just as we are. It
doesn't matter how the past may have been. It is the longing of the honest heart that he looks at. If you really and truly want to become a Christian, then you can come right now. "

"I, I'll try. I have tried most things in life, without peace. If God loves me in spite of everything, I will sacrifice everything and start a new life ... "

"Fold your hands where you are, and pray to God to save you. It is no more difficult than
that. I and my sister will also pray for you here."

Roger bent his knees. Then he remembered a sermon he had heard about 2 years ago in an English church, where one evening he had sought shelter
for the pouring rain. "God is not bound by time and place. He can meet each individual who seeks Him, regardless where he or she is. It does not matter if it's in a church." He folded his hands and mumbled and stammered a prayer.

felt how he was filled with joy and peace. God had answered his prayer. He was saved. He was allowed to start a new life ...

It took a few days. Roger felt like a new person. His joy had returned and he had regained confidence. He had been associated with the girls, who had called
him that fateful morning. They had arranged that Roger could meet with the pastor of the congregation they came in.

The future seemed no longer
so dark and threatening. Roger took the redemption very seriously. He would stick to what he had experienced and continue on the path that God had shown him.

He no longer
felt alone and isolated. He had gone from hopeless darkness to light, joy and peace. The future was of course uncertain, but it was not necessary for him to fear anything. Jobs and everything else would undoubtedly fall into place for him. The content of the song, " God takes care of you," was certainly something that he could confirm was true.

" Christian Family Magazine "
Effie Campbell translated
