27th July 2024

Teach us to number our daysTeach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Ps. 90:12NIV

He who can count his days has wisdom in his heart. This truth of life the 
psalmist realizes.

This is not to be understood in the sense that with fear and trembling we 
must watch days and years quickly disappear and be horrified that our 
lives are getting shorter with each passing day. We only have this fear as 
long as we live at a distance from God and do not have the blessed peace 
that comes from being God's child. While we live in sin, God's wrath is 
upon us and then we have every reason to fear, indeed, we perish from 
God's wrath, because He always has our sin and unbelief in mind. We can 
hide nothing from God.

“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, 
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” Ps. 90:2NIV

“Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; 
yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and 
we fly away.” Psalm 90:10NIV  
Well, compared to God we are dust and our lives short and poor.

But if we learn to take our lives from His hand, and if He can teach us to 
count our days under His protection and refuge, then our fear and 
trembling will disappear, and we will gain the wisdom of life in our hearts. 
Then it will be our great joy to be in communion with God. Then we can 
realize that God has a plan for our lives. Then our lives gain value for 
other people. And then we know the joy of life. Let us pray with the 
psalmist: Lord, you have been our protection generation after generation!

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” 
Ps. 90:12NIV

Fill us with your mercy in the morning, let us rejoice and be glad all our 

The grace of the Lord our God be upon us! What our hands do, you do for 
us! Indeed, you do the work of our hands!
26th July 2024

Frozen human soulGive, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken 
together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the 
measure you use, it will be measured to you.””
Luke 6::38NIV

On a farm in Sweden, one day a farmer was found lying dead in his bed. 
He was frozen to death. Later it came to light that the farmer not only 
owned his farm debt-free, but that apart from this he had a lot of money 
standing in the bank. Even so, he had died of cold inside because he could 
not "afford" to put anything in the oven. The worst thing about this man 
was that he was frozen from the inside, because he was a slave to the 

Indeed, mammon is a hard master to serve, many have had to admit that. 
Money is a good servant, but a hard and cold master. But alas! It's not 
merely money, people are unwilling to spend. Just think of all the cold 
people who can never afford a friendly smile or a welcoming word, or 
never pass a child without having to scold one or the other.

It teems with cold and frozen human souls. What is miserliness but greed 
and covetousness. Others must not get anything, you want it all yourself. 
He who toils his way through life is also envied by the miser, because he 
fears that there will be too little left for himself.

Poor person who has never learned that the more you give and allow your 
neighbor, the richer you become yourself and the greater joy and wealth 
your own life will have.

Wasn't it just that Jesus said: Give, and it will be given to you! The one 
who realizes that everything we have and possess here is borrowed 
property or a household that we have been given to take care of. We can 
afford to help others who got less, and we can afford to rejoice with others.
Give, and it will be given to you!
25th July 2024


What quenches the thirst of our soul?


Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes
to the Father except through me.

John 14:6NIV


It was Moody who said in one of his books that if you throw a handful of
sawdust into the yard, not so even one little bird will so much as squint at
it, but if you throw away a handful of breadcrumbs, then the little birds
are immediately there to eat up the crumbs.


When we think of spiritual food, a true child of God knows the difference
between the sawdust of the world and the bread that comes down from
heaven, Jesus Christ. His word is the only thing that can quench a thirsty
soul. Do not drink from the world's many muddy pools, but rather quench
your thirst with the clear, pure spring water that Jesus has to give you, his
own word.


Throughout the summer, mundane activities are organized on the
weekends, indeed, there are sometimes two or three different ones to
choose from. But when the clamor and noise is extinguished, joy is also
extinguished, for you cannot find joy in noise. The Faroese word for
hilarity is "stuttleiki", which is exactly what it means: "Short game".


No, Jesus offers the real thing. He fills life with meaning and content.
When we receive him in faith and invite him into our hearts, he gives us
the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, peace and true joy.


He is the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one can acquire all this
without surrendering to Jesus. He is waiting for you and wishes all the
best for you.
24th July 2024
For money you get everything...?What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their 
soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”
Matthew 16:26NIV

Money is not the greatest treasure we can get. However, there are many 
people who believe that. It is impossible to eat them. We can have our 
pockets full of money and still starve, thirst or freeze to death if we cannot 
get hold of food, drink or clothing. Money in itself is worth nothing, but it 
is a good gift to the one who uses it rightly.

"For money you get everything," they say. No, it is not like that. A poet 

For money you get:
Food, but no appetite
medicine, but not good health
bedding but not sleep,
education, but not wisdom and reason,
finery, but not beauty,
diversion but not joy,
friends but not friendship
servants but not fidelity,
gray hair but no honor,
calm days but not peace,
The superficial casing of everything you can get for money, but the core is not sold for gold!
"Message from the Kingdom of Grace" Effie Campbell translated.
23th July 2024

He had been foundAnd when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders ”
Luke 15:5NIV

Every year a mission meeting is held in Basel, Switzerland. For such a gathering, ten young men 
were once to be consecrated as missionaries, who were then to be sent off to heathen countries.

They all stood in a row and a priest walked past them and asked each one of them: "Have you 
found your savior?" And each time the priest got the answer: "Yes!" But then one suddenly 
answers "No!" - The priest was completely surprised.

"No!" repeats the young man crying: "The Savior has found me!"
N. translated
22th July 2024

Only a step

"But David took an oath and said, “Your father knows very well that I 
have found favor in your eyes, and he has said to himself, ‘Jonathan must 
not know this or he will be grieved.’ Yet as surely as the Lord lives and as 
you live, there is only a step between me and death.” "

It is David who says these above words to his friend, Jonathan. King Saul 
sought to kill David. Although Jonatan had time and again succeeded in 
saving David's life, he understood that his life hung in the balance. "there 
is only a step between me and death."

But it was precisely through adversity that David had learned to 
understand the emptiness of the world and through his own falls he learned 
his own powerlessness. This is expressed in many places, including in 
Psalm 103:15-16: “The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a 
flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place 
remembers it no more.”

But also through the tribulations he had learned to seek God. There is 
hardly a place in the Bible that breathes more confidence in God than the 
psalms of David. He had learned to lean into God's fatherly heart in his 
need, and there he experienced that God was his strength and that the God 
of Jacob was his firm fortress.

Only a step. Do these words not fit as a heading for every human life? For 
yours and mine? It seems to me? Our life course is from cradle to grave. 
For some it is short, for others a little longer. But when all is said and 
done, we must recognize that life is short. And our lives take different 
forms. Anyone who is allowed to experience a number of years can hardly 
avoid encountering some of the world's hardships, sorrows and worries. 
But the heaviest burden to carry is the burden of sin. No one knew this 
better than David, and therefore he too, when he had experienced the 
forgiveness of sins, could rejoice in his soul and say, “Blessed is the one 
whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.” Ps. 32:1NIV

You too, who are toiling under the burden of sin, can experience the same
joy. Jesus says: ““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I
will give you rest.” M
atthew 11:28NIV

If anyone reading these lines should find it difficult in any way, be it sin 
that grips, sickness, deprivation or loneliness, let it be said to you: you are 
not alone, Jesus sees you! From there lay down with all that weighs you 
down to his savior heart. Then he will forgive you - and he wants you to 
trust him in faith: - My friend, it is finished, also for you" 
Cl. Eliassen
21th July 2024

Why do we pretend it's nothing?And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister 
secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee. ”
John 11:28KJV

The priest had come to visit a man who was in the hospital. Suddenly, an 
alarm bell goes off all over the department. The priest is quite startled, 
because there must be something very wrong. The doctor sitting at the 
patient's bedside pretends nothing happened and neither does the nurse 
who is also in the patient room. But the alarm continued unabated its 
hideous din.

A moment later the entire ward was filled with a thick, greyish mass of 
smoke. The fire had caught at the exit and there was no emergency exit.

During the hour it took to get the fire under control, the priest wondered 
why people don't take it seriously when an alarm bell rings. How can you 
just sit completely unaffected and be almost indifferent when the alarm 
goes off right in front of your ears that a dangerous situation has arisen?

Part of the answer is probably that the doctor and the nurse didn't act like 
nothing happened, but then, why didn't I do anything myself?” thought the 

Today, a warning bell is ringing in our conscience. It makes it clear that it 
is urgent that you get your relationship right with God. He rings a warning 
bell that wakes you up so that you are wide awake, so that you can see that 
you must take God seriously. Hear what he says: "The Master is come, and 
calleth for thee."

I don't usually scare people because I don't like being scared myself. But 
both you and I would like to be warned when there is danger on the way.

The Bible does not hide the seriousness that meets us when we die and 
enter eternity. Those who believe in Jesus and the forgiveness of sins are 
saved. Those who do not believe are lost.

"The Master is come, and calleth for thee." This is a serious warning shot, 
a warning alarm in your conscience, and at the same time an invitation to 
become a Christian.

You who proclaim peace,
you a savior, I a sinner
you with amen, I with prayer,
you with the grace, me with the shame,
alas, how we two fit together,
you, God's anointed, God's son!

Man has said no to God, not to have other gods, but to be godless.
20 July 2024

A true disciple is free

"Jesus now said to the Jews who had come to believe in him: "If you abide
in my word, you are truly my disciples."
John 8,31

The word freedom originally means "free neck", i.e. neck without a
wooden ring.

In the old days, slaves wore rings around their necks, but the free man had
no ring around his neck.

During the Faroese sloop era (the sloop was a single-masted sailing ship
used for fishing 1880-1940) it often happened to the fishermen that the
apron rubbed marks on the shoulder and back of the shirt. This
phenomenon was jokingly called the slave brand.

This is how work and social conditions leave their mark on people.

But our outlook on life, our upbringing and our lives also leave their mark
on us: the ungodly and the God-fearing, the immoral and the well-
educated, the scoffing and the overbearing - we all get our character from
what we are.

Then the question is simply whether we are free where we stand or
whether we are slaves. Are we that, we are out of our own free will or as

People are easily bound by habits, desires and vices. Then they are slaves.

The Lord said to Cain: “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?
But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires
to have you, but you must rule over it.”
” Genesis4:7NIV

When the misdeed dawns on Cain, he says: ““My punishment is more than
I can bear.” 

Cain had become a slave to his envy of his brother and in his need he flees
far away from God and will not talk to him about forgiveness.

When it dawns on the disciple Peter, sitting in the courtyard, that he had
denied and failed his Lord and Savior and had abused his freedom as his
disciple, then Peter regrets it and weeps bitterly. This led to Peter being
forgiven and becoming a better and better disciple in the service of Christ.
Peter remained in the Word.

This is often the way to the truth, which is Christ: Through mistakes and
falls. But with Christ one learns the truth of life, and this truth frees from
slavery and gives repentance, wisdom, courage and joy, which slavery in
sin does not know. The psalmist testifies to this when he says: “Great
peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them
” Ps.119:165NIV

19th July 2024

The fire purifies and creates pain - but also gives warmth and light

I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become
rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful
nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

Revelation 3:18NIV

Fire is of vital importance to our existence. Man has throughout all ages
made use of fire, but also feared it.

God's word is like fire, we read. This means that the Word has the same
seductive properties as fire. It exposes, creates pain, purifies and ignites all
that can burn that is not real in the human mind. It illuminates and warms
– depending on how we are when we encounter God's Word.

We humans want others to think we are such and such, even though we
may not be like that at all. But with God, this kind of thing does not work
at all.

His Word reveals us - and it is not a pleasant experience. But we have to
get through it. Not because God is curious. He never sheds light on our
inner man to reveal, but to purify and lead us out into light and warmth.
But as long as we prefer to live in the dark, the light will always seem
creepy to us.

But we will discover that the Word is like fire that settles upon us. We
understand so well the man who, after a hard sermon, asked the priest:
"Who told you about my life?" This is how it can feel when God's Word
burns its way through our mind, behind our facade and into all hidden and
narrow corners.

But this is only one side of the work of the Word. When this is over, the
same Word that scared me creates security, warmth and light. God's Word
has many properties, just like fire. It requires all or nothing, and no one
can hide from it.

But it also comes with forgiveness and grace from the One who has the
loving heart, the One who loves us so much that He gave His only
begotten Son so that we could be saved.

Then it's not as dangerous as we thought. Naturally, there is a cost to
standing before God's all-seeing eyes and to give Him justice. But
afterwards the mind is filled with an abiding certainty of full forgiveness.

18 July 2024
It is right to seek the kingdom of God first 
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things 
will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:33 
It is right to partake of God's word every single day. It is right to seek 
God in prayer at all times. It is right to hold on to fellowship with all 
believers and not stay away when the congregation is missed. It is right to 
tithe and gifts to the work of God's kingdom from what we administer 
over. It is right to go to altars and be reminded of the most essential in our 
faith. It is right to live in forgiveness and to forgive others, just as we 
ourselves have been forgiven. It is right to pass on the gospel of Jesus to 
all people in our world, and it is right to send out others who put their 
heart into passing it on. 
There are many different things that are essential to stick to regardless
which times we live in. In this way the faith is passed on from one
generation to the next and this will continue even though times change 
and there changes take place that can be experienced as demanding and 

Moses continued as if he saw the invisible (Heb.11,27). We are 
encouraged to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the pioneer of faith and
completes (Heb.12,2), and through all this faith cannot be eroded and
disappear, but is refined and renewed, strengthened and built up. 
Effie Campbell translated






17th July 2024


My times are in your hands


But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your
hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue
me. Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your unfailing love.

Psalm 31:14-16NIV


This little word, "but", with which the words above begin, is set against
something else that is also mentioned in the same context. The man
speaking here says that he puts his trust in the Lord and tells him that He
is his God. But this he is in contrast to everything else that he could put
his trust in, and especially in contrast to everything that "people" can do
and how they can be.

He has tried variously and has experienced the malice and hatred of men,
their deceit and falsehood and their faithlessness and mockery. He has
been exposed to all this, which can also be seen in the following words:
For I hear many whispering, “Terror on every side!” They conspire
against me and plot to take my life.

Against this he presents his "but", saying the words: "... I trust in you, Lord..."

This tells of a strong faith in the Lord.

If everyone else is against, the Lord is with.

If all else fails, the Lord will not fail.

Here he has something firm to hold on to, here he has something safe to
stand on.


We too often need to have a similar "but" to set up against everything else
that can surpass us, so that we do not lose our footing. Whatever happens
and whatever changes, we should be able to say that we trust in the Lord.
When we realize our own inability and when we see the weakness of
others, where no help can be expected, then the only thing that keeps one
up is to put one's trust in the Lord. And not least, as e.g. at the transition
to a new year, when we are particularly reminded of how time passes,
then it is blessed to address this "but" and say: it does not hurt that time
passes, because we trust in the Lord and know and with the Lord we hold
on to the eternal.

We are often reminded in God's Word that we must not lose heart and not
throw our boldness overboard but be of good courage.


it is both good and necessary to get such a reminder and we are in great
need of it, because there is so much that threatens and wants to take away
our courage and make us lose heart.


In reality, everything in this visible and mundane world can take away
our boldness.


This world is marked by sin, corruption and death, and there is nothing to
be happy, hopeful and courageous about.


And then remember all that follows from it: Struggle and toil, sorrow and
worry, fear and trembling, tribulations and sufferings, diseases and
hardships of various kinds, these do not increase boldness.


And should we be spared any of this, then there is little comfort in this,
because all this is here, and it happens to so many others and we are part
of the community. And there is one thing we all have in common, and
that is that as time goes by and the years roll by, our "outer man" will
eventually perish, we age, we weaken, distances are reduced, steps
become heavier, health fails and everything comes to an end.


In addition, there is also the dark, gloomy, heavy depressed mood that
can characterize human life, whether the person is at a high or low stage
of development.


All of these can discourage us and threaten to rob us of boldness.

But, if against all this we can introduce our “but” and say, “I trust you,
Lord, then everything will be different. Then it becomes clearer, the heart
is lifted and we glimpse and can see the way out of all the trouble.


And then we add: “My times are in your hands”


How good it is to be able to say this every day we are allowed to live.
And how many or how few days may be bestowed upon us, well, no one
knows but God. He alone keeps track of the days of our lives. He rules
our destiny, all while the days come and go.


Everything is uncertain.


The only thing in which there is any certainty is to say: “My times are in
your hands” My times and all that the times bring with them, which I
must meet on my way and which will fall to me, well that everything is in
the Lord's hand and it all comes from the Lord's hand.

J. Dahl:

16th July 2024


To defeat oneself


"Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one
who takes a city.
Proverbs 16:32NIV


It is said that the greatest victory a man can win is the victory over
himself – the inner victory where, perhaps in the middle of the battle, one
is composed and calm, even under the most difficult conditions. This is a
victory that has value - something that counts, as they say. On the
contrary, everything on the outside can be in perfect order and you can
have many good qualities, but when it matters most, you can fail on the
inner front.


That was what happened to the apostle Peter, who was both courageous
and zealous for the Lord, but who nevertheless denied him in the hour of


Many people may be helpful – always ready to lend a helping hand but
do not want to bend down or to stop in order to review whether in any
areas of their own life they might have been wrong.


If our life is to be successful, then God must have the first place in all
matters. Then we enter a path that is completely different from the one
we went on before, and our thoughts, plans and ideas about one thing or
another may be completely destroyed. Then we listen when the Lord
says: “My son, give me your heart and let your eyes delight in my ways,
Proverbs 23:26NIV


In this way, a man who had a burning desire to work for the Lord had his
desire fulfilled, but in a completely different way than he had intended.
He became ill, had to sit in a wheelchair and ended up in a nursing home
for disabled. All his prayers seemed to him unanswered and he could not
see God's leading in any of this.


But there at the nursing home God needed him and soon he could see
how people were saved; after a very short time all his opinion and
attitudes were completely turned upside down. How happy he now felt!


You may feel neglected and may not be understood, either by your family
or others; but if you say: "I can't do it anymore, my sufferings are
unbearable;", then remember that God's Word says: "And we know that in
all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been
called according to his purpose.
" Rom.8:28NIV


Remember, you are under God's upbringing, and that “For we who are
alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life
may also be revealed in our mortal body.
” 2 Cor. 4:11NIV


When such various trials come upon your life, it is so that life itself must
die, so that the life of Jesus can grow within you. After all, it is on the
inner front that the battle will be fought, and here victories with eternal
significance can be won.

15th July 2024


Example or substitute


God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might
become the righteousness of God.

2 Cor. 5:21NIV

After a meeting, a man came to the speaker, Dr. M. Stearns. he said: “I
did not like your speech. I don't care about the cross. I think that instead
of preaching Christ's death on the cross, it would have been much better
to preach Christ as a teacher and example.


- Well, would you have been willing to follow him if I preached Christ as
an example to follow? Asked Dr. Stearns.

- I would have wanted to, yes, answered the man. - I would have
followed in his footsteps.

- Well, said Dr. Stearns, - Then let's take the first step. "He who did no
sin." Can you take that step?

The man was confused. - No, he said, - I do sin, I must admit that.


- Well, if that's the case, said Dr. Stearns, - then your first and greatest
need for Christ becomes not as an example, but as a Saviour.


This is the main need of every human being.

"The war cry". E. Campbell translated

14th July 2024

God has come

They were all filled with awe and praised God. “A great prophet has
appeared among us,” they said. “God has come to help his people.”

Luke 7:16NIV

That was the praise from the funeral procession that day outside the city
gate of Nain, when Jesus raised the widow's son back to life. This was a
message of joy to receive in the midst of sorrow, when everything else
seemed hopeless and dark. And we understand well that the people of
Nain praised God for Jesus whom He had sent to them with the power of
death in His hand.

But then we should also understand that it is us living people that God
also visits with Jesus. The question then is whether we are also turned
towards Jesus in such a way that he can get us to speak, so that we hear
his words of comfort and open our hearts to them. Only then can we see
that God has visited us in Jesus.

God visited me in a special way on the day of my baptism at the
baptismal font. He blessed me as his child and gave me the mark of
Christ's cross to bear.

God visited me in a special way on the confirmation day at the kneeling
of the altar, where I had the opportunity to confirm that I denied the devil
and all his and that I believed in the triune God.

These two days are two days of celebration in my life. But thank God that
he does not visit us humans only on festive days - because then it would
have been dark many times on our life's path - but every day, indeed,
basically every moment, when we want to be quiet before God, then he
visits with his spirit our hearts. And gently he whispers to the grief-heavy
heart: do not cry, do not fear, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. If
you believe in him, even death will not harm you.

And God visits me in a very special way on the day my eyes burst, if I
persevered in the faith. Then Jesus comes to the gate of death to awaken
me to eternal comfort and joy.

Truly, God visits his people every time we hear the message of Jesus.
Come, let us be quiet before the visitation of God!

13th July 2024

My promissory note has been deleted

"having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood 
against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the 
Col. 2:14NIV

As a businessman, I experienced being sent a charge on an invoice that I 
had already paid. At first I got angry, but when I had thought about it a bit 
the anger disappeared. First I called my accountant and asked him to send 
me a copy of the receipt. On this was written the invoice number, 
payment date and amount. I attached the copy to the charge and wrote in 
big, bold letters above: PAID.

With some satisfaction I sent it all back again to the wholesaler who had 
sent the collection. Then the matter was settled and was never mentioned 

Sending a charge for something that has already been paid for is 
completely wrong and should not happen. But sometimes things go 
wrong where people are involved. This never happens to God. 
Everything is in order on His account and He never collects payment for 
anything that has previously been paid. What is once paid is therefore 
over and finished once and for all. This is a wonderful truth for all who 
believe what is written in the Holy Scriptures. Indeed, this is our receipt.

"having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood 
against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the 
cross." Col. 2,14

The day of payment was Good Friday, and the price was the blood of 
Jesus. "But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, 
he sat down at the right hand of God, " Hebr.10:12NIV So it is true that 
the sin has been atoned for and the debt paid. No one can henceforth be 
charged for what Christ died for on Calvary's cross. "Moreover, the 
Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, " John 

My promissory note is obliterated,
my bill is paid.
He nailed it to the cross
the time he atoned for everything.
And all my sins
as I have done to him,
was carried out of the world
of the sacrificial lamb of God.

Still, there will be a day of judgment, but the judgment will not apply to 
the sins of the world. That judgment was served on Calvary and will 
never come again. The judgment that lies ahead will be against the 
contempt and scorn that men have shown towards God. They rejected 
God's calling and refused to accept Jesus' salvation. They trampled his 
holy blood under their feet. No one should expect this to go 
unchallenged. We must be responsible for this.

”We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have 
heard, so that we do not drift away. For since the message spoken 
through angels was binding, and every violation and disobedience 
received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore so great a 
salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was 
confirmed to us by those who heard him.” Heb. 2:1-3NIV

Let us stand unshakably firm. “Now we who have believed enter that rest 
..." Heb.4:3NIV
E.C. translated
12th July 2024

The millionaire who gave
Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.”
Deuteronomy 14:22NIV

The well-known American billionaire Rockefeller tells how his 
professional path began:

“Yes, I give ten percent of what I earn to the work of God's kingdom. I 
would like to tell you how it all began: When I was a little boy I had to 
support my mother. My first salary was 1½ dollars (approx. 10 kroner) a 

I gave mom the money. She took them in her hand and told me that she 
would be happy if I gave the tenth of the wages to the Lord.

I did that. And since that day, I have given a tenth of every dollar God has 
blessed me with. And it's very much on my mind to say this: If I hadn't 
started giving God ten percent of all my income - from the very first 
dollar I received in salary - then I wouldn't have given a tenth of my very 
first million either. Tell people that they must learn to be faithful to give 
to the cause of God's kingdom.”
John D. Rockefeller, Sr. "Shalom". E.Campbell translated
11th July 2024

The world's greatest preacher

"So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man."
Acts 24:16NIV

Let me tell you a little about the world's greatest preacher. This preacher 
has more power in the heart of man than any other man and he is an 
excellent preacher of revival. While other preachers count their audience 
in the thousands at most, this preacher speaks to millions.
I refer to the conscience!

Conscience turns not only to a specific group of people or under special 
weather conditions, but to all social classes and all age groups under the 
firmament. Conscience, like grace, makes no distinction between people.

Its ministry began in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. With 
dazzling protests it uttered its voice when the blood of righteous Abel 
was shed. It spoke harshly to Jacob's heart. It even found its way into 
David's royal castle and stood as an accuser before Judas and Pilate.

And up through the centuries that have rolled by, its speech has not 
weakened or become less clear and less understandable, and all while 
other preachers have become silent and others have been buried, well, 
then conscience continues with its mission.

This preacher is not content merely to speak from pulpits and lecterns at 
the highest universities, but he lets his voice be heard in private homes 
and schools, in shops, on mountains and at sea. Indeed, no human foot 
manages to tread so far that this preacher cannot keep up. It never gets 
tired and never rests. It lets its voice be heard not merely for half an hour 
or a whole hour daily, but day and night, around the clock.

If conscience is treated as it should be, so that it gets its due when it 
speaks, then it becomes man's good friend and dear guide and comforter. 
It comforted Joseph at the bottom of the well, it made Daniel safe in the 
lion's den, and it made Paul sing in the middle of the night in the dark 
prison, and it helped Peter sleep soundly when he expected to be killed 
the next morning. Conscience is God's servant who gives peace and 
If we don't listen to conscience, it becomes an enemy and we get into 
trouble and difficulties.

Conscience does not die. Not even in the coming year will the voice be 
silent, indeed, not even in eternity.

Conscience always tells the truth and its message and judgments bind. All 
who have suppressed it and silenced its voice will pay for it, but no one 
who follows the advice of conscience will ever regret it.
"the church bell" E.Campbell translated
10th July 20224
Harvest Day

The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the
coming of  the great and glorious day of the Lord.

Acts 2:20NIV


Harvest Day is a great day, a mighty and defining day.
Who does not remember from childhood that every year there was a 
harvest day, the day when all the hay was brought in, the day the potatoes 
were picked up, the day the goose came home from the field, the day men 
returned home from the mountains with that which was to be slaughtered. 
But harvest day also said something about spring. For him where the 
spring had failed, the harvest day was not as rich as it should be.

Those of us who have several years behind us have experienced many 
harvest days. But let us now stop a little and ask ourselves: did we thank 
God who gave us everything, the One who allowed success for us - 
whatever work we were in? Did we have the heart to give something to 
the work of God's kingdom on harvest day?
And let us ask ourselves whether the harvest day has nothing to tell us 
about how our spring was. Our human life has both spring and harvest 
every year.

In God's kingdom there is a long spring, A whole human life, although 
there may be great differences in the individual - but the harvest day is 
one forever, common to all. When this harvest day will come, no one but 
God the Father knows. Then he sends messengers all over the earth to 
separate those who had a good spring and those who got a bad spring of 
life. Those who had a good spring are those who, by faith in Jesus Christ, 
live in the confidence that all their sins have been forgiven because of his 
suffering and death. They are the good fruit in the kingdom of God, the 
fruit that is preserved for all eternity while the other fruit is burned. My 
friend, every day is for us a day to sprout, to work on our own salvation so 
that the day will not come as a surprise upon us when the sun turns to 
darkness and the moon to blood.

God loves us and His word and promises last. Let us trust in his promises
when he tells us: “And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be
” Acts 2:21NIV


9 July 2024

Your names are written in heaven
However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that 
your names are written in heaven.””
Luke 10.20NIV

The disciples were happy, and preferably a little proud, as they could 
make the evil spirits, whom everyone feared, obey and submit to them. 
And so they hurry off to tell Jesus about it, because he was also to share in 
their joy. And then, instead of rejoicing on their behalf, he answers them 
back so strangely, it seemed to them as if there was nothing to rejoice 
about at all.

This was not what Jesus meant, i.e., that they were doing something 
wrong by rejoicing that the spirits submitted to them. No, it wasn't. We are 
also allowed to rejoice when we make the evil spirits flee, evil spirits such 
as hatred, envy, hot temper, bodily temptations, lust for money, etc., with 
which we all struggle, and I know for sure that Jesus rejoice with us.

But Jesus will show them an even greater reason for joy: that their names 
were written in heaven. It's the only thing that lasts when all is said and 
done. Everything else is so fleeting and unreliable. Therefore, let us not 
attach too much value to the fact that we triumphed in this or another 
temptation, because the evil one can abuse that too to make us forget that 
every victory is God's and not ours.

But the joy of having our names written in the heavens, we can always 
return to that. This work is not ours, but His, who gave His life for us, 
without our owning the least part in it. He himself stood at the baptismal 
font when we were baptized and wrote our names in his book. Hold on to 
this when temptations and falls threaten, and you know that all that you 
have otherwise placed your trust in crumbles under your feet, and you will 
then experience that it bears and holds, for the Lord recognizes his own 
J. Weihe, priest
8th July 2024


How should I live?

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in
me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who
loved me and gave himself for me.

Galatians 2:20NIV

God's children often ask: What am I? It seems that the evil one shakes
our faith and succeeds in leading us into the path of doubt, so that again
and again we stand in doubt as to what I must and what I must not, or
how I must be and not be.


How then should I live if I want to be a true child of God? Well, why ask
thus, is there anything to be in doubt about? Yes, for the one who is of
truth, because doubt strikes him, because we are in a world that is of evil,
and over which the evil has immeasurably great power, and we have
visible proof of this in our time, where many would rather listen to the
advice from the evil one than to the advice of Jesus, and we can see for
ourselves that God's children are not ashamed by using ugly weapons as
gossip and in that way make themselves dirty gossip rags.


How then should I live? Paul says this: it must not be you, but Jesus who
lives in you, it must be Jesus who rules in your life, and in any case it
must be him you seek when you are in doubt, and the blessed is that he is
able to lead you and advise you and he does not lead you astray, but
shows you the way, so that doubt must give way, so that you see that light
becomes your path!


Some say: I cannot pray the "Our Father", because then I have to forgive.
To this I would say: Read Matt. 6:14-15, because if Jesus is to live inside
you, then you must give him room, as he is, as the forgiving savior that
he is, who will teach you to forgive with his disposition. For it was He
who loved and forgave more than we will ever be able to understand. He
loved me so much that he atoned for my death with a bloody body, and
the scars from this will never disappear from his hands and feet, scars
that I must remember when we talk about forgiveness on my part!


May this devotion help us so that what we have to live hereafter in the
flesh, we must live in faith in the Son of God, who loved us so much that
he forgave us all our sins.
Oliver Hansen

7th July 2024
A small stone in a shoeIf we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins 
and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9NIV
A small stone in a shoe often causes more mischief than a heavy burden 
on the back. The small stone hinders one's movements. It can also 
become dangerous, because a chafing wound should not be 

One wonders how such a small thing can destroy so much. It doesn't help 
how clear the air is, where you walk, how beautiful the view is, or how 
nice the company is. The stone in the shoe ruins everything.

There is only one thing to do: stop, take off your shoe and remove the stone!
Many people walk spiritually with stones in their shoes. There is 
something that has not been made right – a wrong deed, a word spoken, 
disobedience, unkindness, bitterness. As long as it is there there is no 
peace, you are dissatisfied, uneasy, afraid, disordered and unhappy. If the 
stone is allowed to remain there, a wound will appear which can be 
dangerous. It can lead to blood poisoning.

Now remember that you only have one thing to do: stop, take off your 
shoe and remove the stone!

It costs a little to humble yourself and make amends, but you can't avoid 

Hear what God's word says: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just 
and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 
John 1:9NIV
This is a well-known road, a safe road, the road to freedom.
From "Sun streak on the road" by H.E. Wisløff. tj translated
6th July 2024

Why go to church?

"I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of 
the Lord.”" 
Psalm 122:1NIV

Thorvald Kristensen
The Faroe Islands must be one of the few countries where people think 
they can be Christians without going to a church service, church or 

The most important thing in the service is the prayer. When Moses met 
God, he was told: “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your 
sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”” 
Exodus3:5NIV The place was not holy because of external 
circumstances, but because God was present there. When we pray to God 
in church, at home or anywhere, we should remember the words spoken 
to Moses. Jesus promised to be close to those who pray: “For where two 
or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”” Matt.18:20NIV


Worship is what a person does when he is in the presence of God. In the 
service we praise God in song and prayer. You honor God's mercy, 
wisdom and love. We give thanks and rejoice in the service for salvation 
in Christ. We do the same in our daily testimony. When we pray, we 
should tell God what we really think and what is moving in our mind and 
not what we think God wants to hear.

The first Christians gathered in the temple, the synagogue or in the 
homes. After the disciples had said goodbye to Jesus on the Mount of 
Olives, we are told: "When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room 
where they were staying...” Then the names of the eleven disciples are 
mentioned and then continues there: “When they arrived, they went 
upstairs to the room where they were staying. Those present were: Peter, 
John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas; Bartholomew and 
Matthew; James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas son of 
James. They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the 
women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.” Acts 1:13-
14NIV They came together to remember the crucified and resurrected 
Jesus, who had promised them to come back. They are active. They pray. 

The Bible mentions several reasons for going to church and for worship. 
Together with others, we get the opportunity to praise God in song and 
prayer (1 Cor. 14:26). We get the opportunity to sing out in words our joy 
and gratitude for God's daily guidance (Psalm 122:1). We can participate 
in Bible lessons and discussion meetings (Luke 4:16-21). We can listen to 
the message and truly be strengthened in the faith and get help to have 
daily life as God's witness (Rom.10:17). Going to church should be 
something joyful that we look forward to. If we don't have communion 
with God every day, life can seem meaningless. In the service we can 
meet Jesus and have a new beginning.

Charles Spurgeon wrote: "On an altar where only cold ashes lie, no fire 
can be kindled for the church and for the whole world." If he who stands 
on the pulpit does not have a biblical message to deliver with Christ at 
the center and a holy flame in his heart, then it is better that he remains 
silent. Do not waste time in extraneous agitation and by answering 
questions that no one asks. Many church people know the Bible as well 
as the speaker. We should prepare well, but always remember that only 
the Holy Spirit can turn the Word into a gospel, a message of joy.
E.Campbell translated
5th July 2024

Intercession as a shelter

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that 
whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. "
John 3:16NIV

A priest visited a prison and met there a man who had received a harsh 
sentence for murder. The priest talked with him and visited him many 
times after this. Suddenly one day, when the priest was visiting, the 
prisoner started talking about his son and the priest immediately saw an 
opportunity here to make a connection.

"What would you have done to protect your son from evil?"

The man sat thoughtfully for a while, but then the answer came: "If it 
were possible for me, I would put myself between all the powers of hell 
and my son to prevent them from reaching him and damaging him."

You, who are reading this, what will you do for your child or for those 
close to you? How many fathers have not given their son the first glass 
that led him astray, or gone ahead and opened the way for them to other 
places that led them down mad paths.

What will you do for your child?

These are not questions and empty words, but reality. Here we are talking 
about lives that must be lived in a world where sin sets traps by the 
thousands - and many, indeed, countless many perish here.

Will you pray for your child, will you put your folded hands between 
your child and evil? Will you pray for God's blessing and protection for 
those entrusted to you?

Don't forget that Jesus himself went between the devil and you and he 
was ready to suffer death so that you could be free. But he expects you to 
also pray for salvation, for salvation for your child.
4th July 2024

He wanted to please his father
Rejoice always,pray continually,give thanks in all circumstances; for 
this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

It had become so empty at home. The mother had died a short time ago. 
Jorgen and his father lived together and tried to be everything they could 
for each other. Every evening they went for walks together and talked to 
each other as equals about everything.

The months went by like this until suddenly Jorgen got so terribly busy. 
As soon as he got home from school (he went to the local high school), 
he went into his room and locked himself in there and worked on 
something while his father sat alone outside. The father mourned. Had he 
lost his son's trust or what was wrong?

On the day the father's birthday was, Jorgen came to him early and sat on 
the edge of the bed.
“Here, Dad, this is my birthday present.” He placed a large package on 
the quilt. The father opened the package and inside he found a neatly 
carved box. Naturally, the father was both happy and surprised, because 
the casket was extremely beautiful.

"Is this what you've been busy with both early and late?" he asked.

“Yes, father, I wanted to please you.”

“Thank you, my dear boy, indeed you have too, but I want you to know 
that you are dearer to me than your gift. I have no greater joy than to be 
with you.”

We too often come with the box and have so little time to be with our 
heavenly Father. We lock ourselves up in efforts to get the box finished 
and thereby let God stand outside knocking.

It is ourselves that God wants to meet - first. He desires a heartfelt 
communion with his own. Not saints that seek God, but sinners who want 
to come and be with Him to be saved from their sins. Let us go to Him - 
even if we come empty-handed. And once we have been with Him, well, 
then we can get started with the box. Because he will get that from us one 
day - as a thank you from us.

We also want to please our heavenly father.
From the book "Solstrejf på veijen" by H.E. Wisløff. Tj.translated








3rd July 2024

Last regards to the son

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old
they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6NIV


The great German hymn poet, the priest Paul Gerhardt, born 1607, whom 
we also know from hymns such as “Befiehl du deine Wege” and others, 
shortly before his death wrote this farewell letter to his only son, who 
was then studying to be a priest:
"Well, now I will soon be 70 years old and I have the joyful hope that my 
dear God will soon take me from here and lead me to a better life than the 
one I have lived here on earth so far. First of all, I want to thank Him for 
all His goodness and faithfulness to me from day one, both in body and 

Next, I will pray with all my heart that God will give me a good 
departure from here when my hour comes, that He will take my soul in 
His Father's hand and make it so that my body can sleep gently into death 
and can rest in peace until that beautiful day when I shall rise again from 
the dead with my loved ones and when I shall see my dear Lord Jesus 
Christ face to face - whom I have not yet seen, but in whom I believe.

Of the world's goods I have very little to leave to my only son after me, 
but an honest name I can give him, and that above all he will take care 
not to sully that name. He was given by God as exceedingly small so that 
he could become a servant and messenger of God's Word.

Be with God, and don't worry if you don't have good days - God can 
handle that. He comes to us in our painful adversity and that gives us 
peace and joy in the heart and boldness in the mind.

You have to study theology at the right schools that offer the right teaching.

Do not get involved in theological discussions, because with them you 
adapt to the demands of the time and then you become faithful neither to 
God nor to people.

Abstain from everything shameful and vile and rather follow God's will 
and His commandments.

Make an effort to do the following:
1. Don't mess around with something questionable in the hope that no 
one will find out! However cleverly it is woven, it will be revealed one 
2. Never let anger get the better of you! If the temper provokes you, be 
silent and do not let a word come out of your mouth until you have first 
read the 10 commandments and the creed.
3. Refrain from carnal, sinful lust, and when you are ready to marry, first 
ask God for advice and then God-fearing and sensible people.
4. Be kind to people, even if they don't return your kindness. For what 
men cannot do for you, well, the Creator of heaven and earth has already 
done for you, when He created you and when He gave you His dear only-
begotten Son, and when in holy baptism He gave you childhood with 
Him and made you an heir in his heavenly kingdom.
5. Flee from avarice as from the evil one himself! Be content with what 
you can get with honor and a good conscience, even if there is nothing 

If the loving God trusts a lot in you, then ask Him to protect you from the 
abuse of earthly possessions.

- And when we put it all together, then: Read honestly! - Live peacefully! 
- Serve with a fair mind! Stand firm in your faith and your creed!

Then you will also be able to walk away from this world happy and 
blissful! Amen!






2nd July 2024


But God said: "You fool!" 


"“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be
demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for
yourself?’ "
Luke 12:20NIV


But God said. - It sounds like a hammer blow. How worthless is now for
the rich man what the others say. Now there is nothing more to say. God
got the last word – the very last.


But God said: "You fool!" The rich man was not merely a title. On the
contrary. Everything went well for him. He was also an enterprising and
persistent man, and he should not be blamed for that. But something sad
had happened to him. He had made a terrible mistake. He believed that
human life and its welfare were secured with the wealth he came to
command. But our lives are secured in a completely different way, on a
completely different foundation. It depends on in whose hands we
ourselves are with all that we have been entrusted with.


He had made the world and the things in the world his God. But what is
decisive, and the main thing is to make God and everything that has to do
with His will become one's own will and existence. Therefore, he was a
fool, although he had some excellent human qualities and talents.


A fool is he who says that God does not exist. An even bigger fool is the
one who says God exists and then still lives as he thinks suits him best
without asking for God's will. And a fool is also the one who tries to
make himself believe that one's own thoughts about God are more
reliable and trustworthy than what God himself says in his Word.


There is a difference between being intelligent/clever and being wise, and
thus there is also a difference between being simple/ignorant and then
being a fool. Intelligence and ignorance says something about the
condition of our mind, while wisdom and being a fool say something
about our attitude towards the eternal, about our relationship with the
Creator and Lord of life.


The worst thing that can happen to us is to finally hear God's judgment
on us: you fool -!
Kai Jensen


1st July 2024

Hardest and easiest

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay 
no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
Matt. 7:3NIV

One of the seven sages from ancient Greece was called Thales. He was 
once asked what was the easiest thing in life and what was the hardest 
thing in life. The old Greek frowned and pondered for a long time. But 
suddenly the answer came. - The hardest thing in life is to find one's own 
faults, while the easiest thing in life is to find the faults of others.

Truly true. When all is said and done, it is most difficult in this life to 
acknowledge one's own mistakes, i.e. to really see that it is oneself and 
not others who are constantly failing. It is the case that I can hardly 
correct the mistakes of others, but I should have good opportunities to 
correct my own mistakes, but this last requires much more of me than it 
would have done if I was to merely to find others faults and say what the 
others should do differently. It would have been easy for me to find and 
confess their sins, but not mine. But concerning my own sins, it would 
have brought me blessings to confess this. Confessing one's own sins 
gives new strength to correct the mistakes I have made.

The greatest moment in a person's life is when he realizes that Jesus is 
ready to forgive sin, and that a confessed sin is to him the same as a 
forgiven and forgotten sin. How unimaginable and great is it to bear the 
label: sinners saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.



















































Evangeline Booth, salvation army, testimony, personal testimony


Evangeline Booth

26th January 2014

“Dear friends, let us love one another,... " 1.John 4.7

See video of Evangeline Booth

Biography Evangeline Booth:

Evangeline Booth stood outside a court building and watched various prisoners that came out of there. A moment ago she had heard someone in there shouting, squalling and swearing, and now she saw a feisty looking woman being led out of the courtroom accompanied by six police officers. Two went in front of her and two others behind her, while two held in her arms. The woman struggled to get free. The clothes she had on was torn and full of holes, her hair was woolly and bristly, and her filthy face was clotted with blood. What could she do for her?

Evangeline knew there was no time to preach to her. It would be a crime against her to give her money, and to sing for her would be useless. In a minutte this woman would be far away. Powered by a sudden impulse Evangeline ran onto this dirty, cursing and ugly smelling woman and kissed her.

The woman slipped her hands loose and searched with a wild expression the field with her eyes." Who was it that kissed me?" She shouted. "Who kissed me? Nobody had done that since her mother died."

She raised her torn apron to her face and burst into heartbreaking tears, and as a mild lamb she followed the officers into the wagon, which drove her to jail.

Some days after this incident Mrs Booth went on a prison visit to see the woman. Her face was now clean, and she now looked quite handsome. She looked at the stranger and asked, "Do you know who kissed me?"

Then she told Mrs Booth her life story. "When I was a baby my father died, and when I was 7 years old my mother also died. She died in a dark backyard in a poor neighborhood. When she was dying she called to me, took my small face between her hands and kissed it and said: "My poor little girl! O God, be merciful to my little girl and take good care of her!"

From that day until now, no one has kissed my face until the other day."
Then she asked again: "Do you know who it was that kissed me?"

Evangeline Booth replied: "It was me."

She told this lost woman of God and how he loved her so much that he was willing to die for us on the cross, where he wore all our offenses. He was wounded and disabled, so that he could save everybody from their sins.
This was something completely new. The woman had never imagined that Jesus loves so much. She opened her heart to Jesus, and before she got out of prison, she had also learned many other prisoners to love Jesus.

All this happened because Evangeline Booth kissed her. Fantastic, and what a beautiful and good deed! Evangeline Booth was the daughter of the man who founded the Salvation Army, William Booth.

Let us show our fellow human beings our love and learn the many unhappy and broken people that God truly is a God who saves sinners.

E. Campbell translated


25th January 2014

"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believs in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

The way is a messiah-description, which is used throughout the Bible, from Abraham to Moses, from the Psalms of David to all the prophets. The Patriarchs and the Prophets spurred the Israeli people to follow the path and not deviate from the way. When Jesus came as the living Messiah, he said: "I am the WAY! "Therefore followers of Jesus in the New Testament did not name their faith Christianity, but the Way. There are many passages in the book of Acts, where the Christian faith is called, "The Way" and "the way of God."

Jesus is the Way, and not the roadside. There is good reason to warn against the 2000 hysteria and their deviation from the Way. The world needs the Gospel of Jesus, not the many oddities, tall tales or Christian laws.

An example of the essence of the gospel is the Apostolic Creed and John.3.16.

The creed reads: "I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.

And John 3:16 reads:
"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believs in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Jesus and the apostles also warned against false prophets, the false Messiah, the Antichrist, and other aberration in the last days. The so-called Christians waves from the U.S. Also knock on our doors in the Nordic region with all sorts of weird stuffs

What is from God puts Jesus in the center and acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God come in the flesh, while all that is false deny Jesus.

The great danger, where "chosen" Christians are being misled, Jesus and the Apostles connect with the Jews and their reception of the false Messiah. Jesus said,
"I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him." (John 5.43 )

The false Messiah, which the Bible calls "the Antichrist" will sit in the temple of God.

The believers must follow the Way, preach the Gospel and show Jesus' love and friendship to all.

In the Hebrews, Jews believing in Jesus were in danger of going back to animal sacrifices in the temple and reject Jesus' sacrificial death as the only foundation of salvation. They had already been warned not to tread on the Son of God and hold the blood of the covenant unholy, and again crucify the Son of God ( Heb. 10.26-29 and 6,4-6).

Animal sacrifices in the Old Covenant could not take away sins (Hebrews 10, 4)

Only when we stick to the Way, Jesus, we avoid falling into the ditch in those last days.

Aril Edvardsen, "Troens bevis".

E. Campbell translated





24th January 2014

The then known persons representing materialism and atheism, Professor KW, Mr HB, Mrs KD and several others had announced with a large anti- biblical lecture at Viktoria Hall in Stockholm March 19 - .

After the lecture, the word was given freely to the audience.

The hall was crowded to bursting point, most of them godless people. Then Professor W. Rose to the pulpit, and people clapped eagerly to honor him. He confirmed once again that there was not a single evidence that Jesus ever existed. The only thing people relied on, in terms of the historical Jesus was something that Josephus had written down, but this turned out to be a forged supplementary document, and therefore there was no longer any evidence that Jesus ever existed.

Then the word was given free to all. An elderly man stood up. He father wore the distinctive red jacket of the Salvation Army. The moderator watched him scornfully as did quite a few others of the audience, who shouted that they had not come to a Christian revival meeting, and therefore it was best that the old fellow kept silent. But he demanded to speak since they had advertised it, or did they fear their counterpart? So they let him speak. With clear and powerful voice, he said:
"It seems to be a matter of great concern and distress with these professors and this science. How does the professor know that Jesus didn't exist?"

The professor said mockingly: "Well, how do you know that he lived?" And even more condescending the audience chimed: "Well, how do you know? "

But then the old man thundered : "Should I not know that Christ is? Should I not understand?"

"We demand proof! Give us proof!" Someone shouted from the audience and from the podium.
" Yeah, I will give you proof" he replied with a resounding voice." I am a proof myself that our precious Savior lives. Some years ago I was the most shabby drunkard in Stockholm. I drank and used every penny I could get my hands on on booze, and when i became drunk I ended up in the detention at the police station. From there I was sent to the judge, and since I was unable to pay the fines, so I had to back to prison. But hardly I was outside again until over and over I repeated this miserable cycle, from the pub, to the court and imprisoned and so on back to the pub. I signed up for every possible and impossible temperance society and took a sacred pledge after another, but the problems just got worse. I sank deeper and deeper into a bottomless misery.

“But then one day in my deepest despair I met the Lord Jesus Christ, and he liftet me with his pierced hand out of the muck and purified me with his blood. And since that day I have been saved and preserved in the faith, and I have been a hard workin, valued and useful citizen since then. Should I not know better than anyone that Christ exists? "

There was a complete silence in the hall, and everyone seemed to be moved by this personal testimony. After a long pause Mr D. B. Was given the word, but it was not easy for him to maintain his usual arrogant attitude when it came to spiritual matters. He noted:

" Ladies and gentlemen, if I had to think about religion – obviously that will hardly happen - but nevertheless if it was occur for me to think of such a thing, I would want to have the same religion as the old man by the blood!"

It was obvious that the testimony had also hit him.

" ...and when I see the blood, I will pass over you." Exodus 12.13 or as it says in a Swedish Bible: "And the blood shall be a sign unto you to salvation!"

E. Campbell translated




23th January 2014

They stood on a street corner and discussed. One was a man of faith, and the other was active in politics. The latter was convinced that the party he represented would be of greater benefit to people and society than all Christianity and belief in God.

The politician came with one argument after another and became more and more eager in his view of things: "You do not change the social conditions in this world by going around and preaching about a possible eternal salvation! It is here and now that we need changes and improvements that can stem corruption and rottenness, and that can create equality and justice for all - and make it possible for everyone to live a decent life ... "

As soon as he had said this a very dirty and tattered homeless man past by. The politician, who by now was really worked up, observed the man and said, "Take for instance that man. Society has failed! Our political program can save men like him: We will provide new clothes for such people!"

Then the man of faith answered: "The Gospel works the other way round. It gives new people to such clothes!"
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
2 Cor. 5.17 NIV

"Tro & Fakta" No. 6/ 1997.
E. Campbell translated




22th January 2014

That's the name of it - and it's contents!
The Bible is a divine book. The words are full of spirit - God-breathed!


"All Scripture is God-breathed"
2 Tim. 3.16
I believe everything that is in the law, and what is written in the prophet.( Acts.24,14)


"For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
( 2.Pet. 1.21)
Prophets have pondered and searched when they prophesied what the Spirit of Christ showed them. (1.Pet. 1.10 - 12).

People have written down what they got from God. How far does human thoughts go in this? Find the answer in the parable that the Bible itself set between the Word and Jesus! Joh. 1.1 and 1.Joh. 1.1 etc.

As surely as Jesus was true man, yet without sin, the Bible is true human, yet without fault!

Jesus was God and man in one body - the Bible is divine and human in one volume!

Just as Jesus was different from us - the Bible is different from all other books. The true humanity of Jesus was, among other things, that he was born by a woman, the son of man. He may have resembled his mother immensely. He was tired and hungry and tempted, but God was his model, "Father, if it is your will ... ?"

The true human of the Bible is among other things-, It bears the mark of the period and of the writers who have written. However, always guided by the will of God : "
For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets"
2 Pet. 1.21

"The Bible through the ages" V. Munch.
Effie Campbell translated





21th January 2014

"...no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
Joh. 3.3 NIV

There are many who do not know what it is to be born again, nor what rebirth truly means in the life of a human being.

Being born again is more than merely to accept Christ in your consciousness and your mind. Even if you live a "decent" and a morally irreproachable life where you live and behave the very best you can on your own, then it is not and will never be enough for wether you make the so-called "small sins" or large, you are still a sinner on the road of perdition.
"... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."
Romans 3:23 NIV

When a child is born, the proud parents announce this great news far and wide. This newborn child starts a life in a world that is totally new to it. When a sinner is born of God's Holy Spirit - reborn - we also bring the happy news to others. The newborn “child of God” also enters a world that is new to it - a new life. The heart and the mind is totally changed, he or she has been given new wishes, a new setting and meaning of life, new interests and new thoughts.

Imagine, a life of victory over sin, and peace instead of strife and temptations! What a marvelous life!

Perhaps you ask, "How can I experience this new birth? "You must turn away from sin and come to God with the intention fully to give him your life. Simply pray the Lord to forgive you and save you.

When you are born again, then you will know it. The condemnation has gone.

E. Campbell translated




20th January 2014

"And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them."
Mark 10.16

Fanny Crosby was born in New York ( 1820-1915). Just six weeks old she lost her sight and was blind for the rest of her life. 12 years old she went on a blind school, where she stayed for the following 23 years, first as a student and later as a teacher.

Fanny Crosby wrote more than 2,000 songs. The impact Lina Sandell had on the Nordic region Fanny Crosby had for the English-speaking countries.

The song "Safe in the arms of Jesus" was written 30 april 1868. Fanny tells that on this particular day one well-known music artist, W.H. Doane wisited her.

He brought along with him a new melody, which was missing a text. When he played the song for her, she said : "This tune says: Safe in the arms of Jesus."

After a while Fanny went for herself to be alone and in silence. She then remembered an incident that she had been told two days before. On a street in New York, which swarmed with people there was a mother with her child and they came into this great human multitude. In this congestion the child lost his mother and the child began to sob fiercely and was completely inconsolable right to the point when it again lay in his mother's arms.

There in the arms of the mother it was safe and sound – here the weeping seized. This one small everyday incident became a picture for Fanny Crosby of how human beings can only be safe in one place, in the arms of Jesus!

Twenty minutes later, Fanny handed the music artist lyrics to this song, "Safe inn the arms of Jesus." Doane wrote it immediately, and the original text has never been changed since then.

You can hear the song on the following link .

"Safe in the arms of Jesus."





19th January 2014

If you are in trouble, then hook you on this promise from God: "For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."
Isaiah. 41.13






18th January 2014

" Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.”
Joh. 15.13 NIV

That was what my God did for me at Calvary. There he paid for my sins, so I do not have to pay with death, which means being separated from God forever, lost.

Throughout history, there are many who have been appointed as God, but where is the God who died for you, he, who, when the wolf and the bear came, fought to the death? No, they were only hired workers.

My God died - but he lives! On Easter morning, he was raised from the dead, the tomb is now empty, the living, who were to keep watch over him, were like dead. Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords - he lives!

This is what we will testify just as clearly and simply as Paul, when he testified for both young and old,
"that the Messiah would suffer and, as the first to rise from the dead, would bring the message of light to his own people and to the Gentiles.”

Acts 26.23 NIV

We must never evade the blood because "
and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

Heb. 9.22 NIV

How it is difficult to understand why there are so many who decline the offer that Jesus gave to each of us, which was completed when he broke the power of death on Easter morning and rose from the dead. Will you accept His gift, a brand new life, even a life of abundance?

E. Campbell




17th January 2014

Genesis 22.7
Everything was ready for the sacrifice, but
"where is the lamb?" Isaac Asks his father, Abraham. We have good reason to pass the same question on to many people today.

Nations have their gods, Islam has its prophets, Israel has its laws and worship of God, but where is the lamb?

And all the nominal Christians in the West, they often have everything in order. They are baptized, and sometimes they come to worship and communion, they have a God, a God up in heaven - but where is the lamb?

They have no lamb. They have never had a moment, not one moment when the Lamb of God, the slaughtered Lamb became their lives, their salvation and peace - all of their Christianity.

That is why they are lost in everything else. For only in the Lamb there is salvation. Only in the blood of the Lamb there is atonement and access to God. And in heaven with God himself all is about the Lamb. The song up there is "the song of the Lamb ," the bride is "the Lamb's bride" and the wedding is the "marriage of the Lamb."
Revelation . 15.3 and 19.7

You expensive soul - is the "Lamb of God" your only access to heaven. Otherwise you'll never get there.

The Lamb that was slain, is Jesus Christ. Jesus said:

"I am THE WAY ... No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14,6
Believe in him and let him guide you.

E. Campbell 





16th January 2014


The chorus of one of Fanny Crosby hymns reads:

Now just a word for Jesus,
’Twill help us on our way!
One little word for Jesus,
Oh speak, or sing, or pray!

Yes, it is as true as it is said. If we say a word about Jesus, then it may be for the salvation of someone, often perhaps without our knowledge about it.

So it was with the English speaker Spurgeon. He was to have a sermon in the Crystal Castle in London for a large crowd. Before he had to go live on the podium, he would like to know how his voice sounded in this huge hall. The day before the sermon he went into the hall and stepped up to the podium and said loud and clear the following words: " credible is the word and worthy of all acceptance For Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”

1 Tim. 1.15 NIV

Spurgeon uttered these words two times and then turned back home. He was convinced that the audience would hear him .

Then 25years later. One of Spurgeons employees were then asked to come on a visit to an old laborer, who was dying.

" Are you prepared to die," the preacher said.

" Yes, the Lord be praised," replied the patient happy, and so he began to tell how he had been converted, and his face was beaming with joy.

"I was a skilled laborer occupied with laying lead roofs. Many years ago I worked under the dome at the Crystal Castle. Back then I was not a believer. I lived my life without God and without hope. I thought I was alone in the building, but then I heard a voice loud and clear that I almost thought came from heaven, saying:
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”

These words convinced me that I was a sinner and that God is merciful. I learned to trust in faith in Jesus, and from this day I have only built all my hope of salvation on him."

E. Campbell




15th January 2014

An old story from Scotland tells of an old man sitting at the altar of worship and felt unworthy to participate. He sat there and felt miserable and in such sad state of mind, that he dared not participate in the remembrance of the Lord's death on the cross.

During the aisle he saw a very young girl burst into tears. She then passedd the chalice without drinking from it. Suddenly, all his fears vanished, and he whispered clearly to the girl: "Drink from the chalice, my friend! It is for sinners!"

"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day."

Joh. 6,54 NIV

E. Campbell




14th January 2014

Some years ago I sat in a bus that drove through London's city streets. During the trip, I noticed a man who swept the streets. He had a big sign on his back. The sign read: Without God - no hope.

In the north of Scotland I became aware of an embroidered image on wall in an ordinary living room, which read: "prepare to meet your God."
Back home I found the same word in the Bible in Amos 4.12.

Once I saw the following sentence in a Danish teacher's Bible: This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you away from this book.
Effie Campbell




13th January 2014

“So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”
(Hebrews 10.35 to 36 NIV)

Impatience, discouragement and unbelief can hit people so hard that they resign and let their hands fall down because they have prayed and labored for the Lord so long, and it turns out to be fruitless. They are tempted to give up.

When we feel like this we must cling to the word of God, which helps us and says, "So do not throw away your confidence" There is a real danger of throwing away confidence, and thereby lose what God has promised to those who believe.

Yes, we need endurance to do God's will. Jesus says in Luke 21.19: "Stand firm, and you will win life.” Bible calls endurance for a commandment.

Thus we read in Revelation 3.10:
"Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial”

Daniels prayer.
Daniel had to wait 21 days before the answer came, but from day one, after he gave his heart to seek Gods wisdom and humble himself before God, his words were heard (Daniel 10:12). But he had to struggle in prayer against "the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”( Eph. 6:12) , but the "prince of the Persian kingdom" resisted 21 days, but then came "Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me" (Daniel 10:13). Not until all obstacles had gone God granted his prayer - there had to be a struggle in prayer first.

Jeremiah's prayer.
Jeremiah had to wait for 10 days before the answer came, when people begged him to ask the Lord to show them which way ought to go and what to do.

Abraham's prayer.
Abraham had to wait many years for the promised son, Isaac. "Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations...Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.”
(Rom. 4.18 to 21 )

God's answer to perseverance in prayer also in our days.
A female missionary had a brother who was not saved, and it troubled her deeply. However, he was an alcoholic. One day she read in
"Our livestock too must go with us; not a hoof is to be left behind."

“Not a hoof is to be left behind." She repeated this and got such faith in this word that she thanked and praised God for this promise. 

The letters that was sent to her the following months only told how sad his brother's condition was, and in the last letter the message was that now his condition had deteriorated significantly.

However, the missionary didn't let this throw her off balance, and still she praised God for the promise she had in his word. Then one day there came a letter with great news. The brother had been saved, and all his craving for alcohol was gone.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
(Galatians 6:9)




12th January 2014


A pastor's wife once told me this story:

There was an old man who dreamed that he died.
The angels came and carried him up and carried him thus into heaven. Jesus himself received him, and many people who had gone home before him flocked to him and welcomed him.

The old man suddenly remembered one person that he did not see anywhere. " Where was George ?" He asked.

Then Jesus eyes was filled with tears. "No one has invited him ," the Savior said.

"Oh, please give me permission to go down to earth a short moment, so that I can invite George! " the old man said.

The moment he woke up. He ran immediately to the hot-tempered and irascible blacksmith, to whome almost nobody dared to talk.
"I greet you from Jesus and invite you into heaven, " said the old man.

At first the blacksmith became angry, but guess what , it ended up that he received the invitation and began to walk on the Heaven Way.

You cannot say that you are not invited to Jesus. But today he sends you once again a new greeting: "Come to the wedding banquet”

(Matt. 22.4)

You are invited to an eternal celebration and salvation . Do you know how often the word "come" is repeated in the Bible? An avid man found out that the word "come" occurs 479 times!

Einar Lyngar . E. Campbell trans .




11th January 2014

Matt. 24.32-33
Have you ever experienced a winter that never came to an end? It felt like spring would never come.

Perhaps this is why Jesus chose to use exactly this picture to assure us that he is indeed coming.

"“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”
Matt. 24.32-33

Early in March, while we still wear coats buttoned up to the neck, and while we still have to go on ice and snow that we see a tree with bulging green buds, and we feel a little warmer because knots clubs tells us that spring is imminent.
Jesus knows this feeling. He longed for spring. And he promises that he will come back for us, just as unerringly sure as spring follows winter.

E. Campbell translated




10th January 2014


Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”

Mat. 7, 24

A painter, who traveled around Switzerland was stopped one day by some inspectors who demanded to see his passport. "I didn't bring it with me," he said, "but my name is Doré." "Prove it," said the inspectors. They knew this famous artist name, but were not sure that it was him.

Doré took a piece of paper and drew a sketch of some peasants who were nearby. This he did so outstandingly well that the inspectors had to admit: "It's OK. You are Doré."

The world does not care about our oral testimony. We need to show that we are Christians by our lives and our actions.

E. Campbell translated



9th January 2014

Almost persuaded now to believe;
Almost persuaded Christ to receive;
Seems now some soul to say,
Go, Spirit, go Thy way,
Some more convenient day
On Thee I’ll call.


Almost persuaded, come, come today;
Almost persuaded, turn not away;
Jesus invites you here,
Angels are lingering near
Prayers rise from hearts so dear;
O wanderer, come!


Almost persuaded, harvest is past!
Almost persuaded, doom comes at last!
Almost cannot avail;
Almost is but to fail!
Sad, sad, that bitter wail—
Almost, but lost!

P. P. Bliss.
Press here to here the song



Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?” Paul replied, “Short time or long—I pray to God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.”
Acts. 26, 28




Bliss wrote both lyrics and tunes to some of our songs. He was born in 1838 in North Pensylvania in a godly home.

His interest in music was awakened already at the age of 10. About this the story tells: One day as he strolled along the way he heard music that he had never heard before. He stopped - a door was ajar and he went inside. Soon he was standing by a door that opened into a sitting room where a woman was playing on a black wooden box with black and white " buttons " (piano ) . When she was finished he shouted enthusiastically : " Play more, please play more! "

After working a few years of farming bet he solely turned on the music and started at a school where he could train in music.

14 years old, he came to personal faith. He now lived in Chicago and was a Sunday School teacher there. Here, his musical talents benefitted him particularly well because he wrote songs that the children understood and could sing. When Moody became acquainted with this young music virtuoso he urged and supported him to accompany him on his meeting tour around the country.

However, his working day was short because he died in 1876 in a railroad-accident with his wife, just two years after being hired.

Bliss was often captivated by a particular word or a particular phrase, which he heard in a sermon. The serious song, "Almost persuaded" Bliss composed after hearing a sermon about being an almost Christian, almost on the way to Heaven - and yet not to be with.

Has this song spoke to you?

You can hear the song by pushing this link

F. Campbell translated




8th January 2014

A gang leader in the United States were arrested some time ago. He was very hard of hearing, so he had to go with a hearing aid. Every time he was wheeled into the courtroom and his case was treated, he muffled the sound of his hearing so that he heard nothing of what was said.

No one could understand that he was so calm and that nothing seemed to touch him of what he argued. Then came the last day on which his case was to come on. This was the day in which he was to be sentenced. As he approached the courtroom, he turned down the volume so that he could not hear. Then the sentence was passed. He was condemned to death in the electric chair, but he heard nothing of what was said, so he was quite unaffected by the circumstances.

When the day came that he was to be executed, the guards came after him. He was quite calm. He did not know where they were going. But when they arrived and he noticed the electric chair, he was quite beside himself. He yelled and screamed like mad, because now it occurred to him how stupid he had been, because he would not listen and therefore had turned down the hearing aid.

God calls on us in many ways, and he uses every opportunity, because he loves us with an everlasting love. God can call you through another person, a hymn, a treaty or any other Christian literature. If in your heart you feel a warm alluring force and you have a desire to be good and pure, then it is God who is calling you. If you, while you 're having fun with others, feel that everything is empty and worthless and you are overwhelmed by a longing to be free of sin, which only inhibits and binds, then it is God who calls.

Al longing for the good comes from God. He would like to get in touch with us. But quite often we are like this abowe man. We turn down and do not want to hear. So he will have to send hardships, sickness, sorrow through a close family member's death, so that close relationships are interrupted.
Do not turn away from him, do not screw down. He only wants the very best for you. He wants to fill your life as a Christian. And soon he comes back, and takes you back home with him, because you are the heir to his Kingdom. (Jak. 2.5)
E. Campbell




7th January 2014

After being married for 15 years - we had at that time a 14 year old son - I was misled by the evil tricks and wanted a divorce from my husband. The final papers had been handed in, and I already had plans for a new marriage. But inside me everything was in turmoil and in total chaos. Then something happened, something that was nothing short of a revolution: I received Christ!

Laila Heimli tells: "3 days before this revolution in my life, two believing women met in the city. One of them was my mother in law. She told the other that I and my husband, Kari, had split up and that there was no longer any hope for our marriage. But the other answered, "Yes! For God there is nothing impossible. Let us immediately pray for Laila and Kari!"

So they went together in prayer for us, and the burden was heavy on them while they stood there in Bergen city center.

Three days later I was invited to a meeting at a congregation. Such a thing as attending a Christian meeting was totally new for me, and I was very much in doubt. Anyway - after a conversation in confidence, it ended up that I agreed to go. At that time I did not understand that it was God's Spirit that worked in me.

At this time there was a bible verse that spoke to me. The reason was that our 14 year old son went to the pastor while we were separated, and one day he came home with a New Testament. On the front page there was a greeting and a reference to a scripture. I was curious and came up with this scripture in Rome. 13.8: "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another" NIV

These words both intrigued me and tormented me and made me feel that my situation was even more messy.

When I was at the meeting and heard the song and testimony this evening, I was so moved that I just could not hold my tears back. A servant of the Lord came gently towards me and asked: "Are you unhappy, my dear friend?" - "Yes," I stammered out through my tears. - "Do you want us to pray for you tonight?" - "Yes, please!"

That evening, I gave Jesus my heart. I did not understand much of what happened, but a miracle happened, a salvation miracle! This is the truth. Oh, how unbelievable and wonderful to be allowed to fall on your knees and become small and receive the Savior's forgiving grace!

As soon as I got the chance, I told my mother what had happened. My new life gave me the courage and desire to share what I had experienced. Kari was very surprised. He was equally unknown about Christian life, just as I had been! Yet, despite the fact that he was not able to follow me on the road of faith right away, we both got through this a new perception of life and of each other. We cut off the connections we had with previous relations and started a completely new life. All honor and thanks belongs to my Lord and my God!

I got to start all over again - both as a wife and mother, in a brand new home, and now we are building on faithfulness and show each other confidence. And you who are reading this testimony, let me tell you that my husband has now chosen the Heaven Way. I 've been prayed and waiting for this for 17 years, and all the believers have also prayed! To God belongs the glory. In October 1997 we held 40th wedding anniversary. Thank God !

Our family was blessed with a precious daughter, exactly a year after I was saved. As a gift from God, she came to us. Today, 1998, our daughter is also the mother of our two grandchildren, and for all this we thank and praise Jesus, our precious Savior.

Yes, conciliation and reconciliation and a new start that is the will and ways of God! However, in cases where this is no longer possible, then the Word of God is at any rate unwavering - also for you:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:”
2 Cor. 5.17 – 18 NIV
(also reconciliation ministry, both to God and the Father and between us humans.)
TF - magazine
E. Campbell translated




6th January 2014


Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Matth. 7,13-14 NIV

Every day we are faced with choices, whether we are to choose this or that. When we are out doing our shopping the question is often: what would be the bestt to buy now, the cheapest or the slightly more expensive and better?

But there are also times when we are faced with choices of far greater importance, which may have serious consequences if we do not choose the right way. God has given us the choice whether to go the broad way that leads to hell, or the narrow road that leads to heaven. There is "no middle ground", as is so often asserted. Here it is either – or.

"But how can I know what is right?" Many do say. "There are so many religions and many different Christian churches. How do I know which of these has the right teachings?"

Jesus said to Pilate, "Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

John. 18.37

Pilate said to him, "What is truth?" V. 38
He stood actually opposite to him who said "I am the way and the truth and the life" ( John 14:6 ), but Pilate "Wanting to satisfy the crowd" (Mark 15.15), and therefore he gave up Jesus to the crowd to be crucified.

And while he( Pilate) “sat on the judgment seat, his wife sent word to him and let say," Stay out of this righteous man . For I have the night had many bad dreams because of him . "
Matt. 27.19 NIV

God had warned him, and several times he(Pilate) had said to the crowd that he found no fault in Jesus, but nevertheless this prefect chose wrong. He was more afraid of going against the people than to go against the will of God.

Everyone can find God, just by searching him with all your heart. This is stated in Jer. 29.13 and in Matt. 7.7 Jesus says to us: "seek and you will find;"

So there is no excuse to choose wrong. Therefore, walk the narrow road that leads to heaven.

E. Campbell translated





5th January 2014

“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”

Luke 18.1

This is the parable that Jesus himself told us that we always have to be persistent in prayer, and not faint. Luke 18.1

Some years ago there was a couple in Sweden, who had a half-grown son. One day he had an errand to a neighboring town. It was winter, and when the boy had left his parents he fastened his skies firmly and left. The hours passed by, and the mother became increasingly worried because her son did not return. She opened the door again and again to see whether she could see anything outside. But no. The evening came, still nothing and now everything was dark. The boy had not yet come back. The following morning the father went out to search for his son along with the village men. The search was done very thoroughly and they searched everywhere, but in vain. The boy was not found.

It is always tragic to lose a child, but it gets many times worse when you do not know what kind of death, you child had had.

One day the husband says to his wife: "I am desperate to know what has happened to our son and what kind of death he has had. Therefore, every morning when you pray your morning prayer, you must ask God to show us the death that our son has been given. I will do exactly the same. Like this the same prayer will come to God's throne twice a day. This may take time, but you must not lose faith.

The years passed. In fact there were 7 years without anything happened. God had not given them what they had asked for. One day the husband says to his wife: "From now, we will also carry this prayer to God in our evening prayers. Then the same prayer will come to God's throne 4 times a day. We must endure in prayer, like the widow, then God's answers will come, this Jesus has promised us."

So they prayd faithfully the same prayer each morning and each evening. How many years went by like this, that I cannot remember, but one day God answered our prayer. The weather was so good that the husband had dragged the boat out of the boat shed.

He was to go out on a lake near here to fish. This was in the spring, the sun shone on the blank and calm lake. All of a sudden the father becomes aware of something on the bottom. He then throws the fishing net down and pulls it up. He finds out that it is a human skeleton. He threw the net down several times to get it all up and noticed that there was a fragment of a sock on one leg. On the verge of this sock he read very clearly the sewn initials of their son. His wife always used to sew the name on the socks. 'Then it was all quite clear for the father. The son had wanted to take a shortcut to the neighboring town and had gone off gliding over the lake.

The ice had not been thick enough and had given in, and the son had drowned. All these years he had been there and had long ago dissolved, but part of the socks with the initials, God had left intact to the parent that had been so persistent in prayer to know what death, their son had got. The father folded his hands and thanked God for hearing them. Yes, verily, God is in full great, and he hears all prayers. Do not be discouraged, but be persistent. Then you will get God's answers.

Effie Campbell




4th January 2014


The story of the song: "There is might in the small folde hands"

Press this link to hear the song

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
Matth. 7,7-8   NIV


We let the author Trygve Bjerkheim even tell how this song came to be.
Some years ago I sat in Forbundsshallen in Oslo one Sunday morning and heard a young missionary speech. One phrase he used, I wrote down. " The strongest superpower in the world at all times is the front with small folded hands."

The small decorated card with this phrase was in my French New Testament, and so it was that I was constantly reminded of these words by seeing them again and again. I wanted to write a song about that phrase, and thus it worked continuasly in my mind.

2 - 3 years later - or maybe 4, I woke up one night and came to think of the words of " the strongest Superpower " - the folded hands. When the phrase, “ There is might in the small folded hands."

There was a verse, a chorus and one more verse. I was almost finished with the song before I turned on the light and wrote them down. These verses were then printed as a small poem in the yearbook of the Mission-Union in 1955: " Deeper Down". They fit in well with the cover photo - a little chinese girl standing with her head bowed and holding her hands together in prayer.


When this book came to Dronningborg College in Grimstad early in 1956 teacher Haugen discovered this little poem, and he soon after that got a tune that matche the poem. This tune made the song widely known. But the song has 3 verses. A little later a retired officer from the Salvation Army, Colonel Linderud, turne up at the office in Mollergata 19.


Han sagde, at han var blevet så glad for digtet og havde skrevet en melodi til dette og spurgte så, om han kunne få lov til at bruge teksten til denne melodi.

Det fik han naturligvis lov til; men så tilføjede han: ”Min kone og jeg ville ønske, at du digtede et vers mere, hvor du medtog forældrene, der beder for deres børn.” Jeg lovede at forsøge. Da han var draget videre, nedskrev jeg et nyt vers: ”Du som be'r for dit barn, dine kære-.

He said that he had become very fond of the poem and that he had written a tune for this. Then he asked if he would be allowed to use the poem-text of this song. Naturally, he was allowed, but then he added: " My wife and I wish you wrote one more verse in where you included the parents who pray for their children." I promised to try. When he had gone on, I wrote a new verse: "You who pray for your child, your loved ones...”

Colonel Linderud came by again a few days later and then got this new verse. That was the last time that I saw this strange man. Shortly after that, he was with his wife and visited some old friends in Egersund.

Before he was supposed to leave the house for a meeting at the parish hall later this evening, he sat down and relaxed a little in a deep armchair. Suddenly his head fell backwards, and he passed away. After the funeral a large memorial service was held, and the song was sung with his melody.

E.Campbell translated




3rd January 2014

"You deceived me, LORD, and I was deceived" (persuade) Jer. 20.7 NIV

A young student in the USA was on his way home from the university. Along the way he entered a hotel. The host turned towards him and said:"Sorry, but we only have one room left, and it is located right next to a sick room. A young man is dying in there and there is only a thin wall between thoes two. I do not know if you like it?"

"Well, that doesn't bother me," the student replied. But when he went to sleep, it was impossible for him to fall asleep. The groaning of the sick and the nurse's footsteps back and forth could be heard very clearly.

He could not fall asleep. A strange uneasiness fell over him that made him ashamed. He was known as a free-thinker much to the dismay and sorrow for his parents. His father was a priest and had been looking immensely forward to the day that his son would become a priest. He still remembered his father's deep sorrow and his mother's tearful prayers when he last time he was home on vacation told them that he did not believe that there existed an afterlife.

The unrest plagued him, but he could not let go of the thought that on the other side of the wall, there was someone who was soon going to die - and what, if there should be something after death? What had Ellison thought if he had seen him in his present state of anxiety? Ellison was one of his friends at college. It was particularly his views and convictions that had caused him to be a freethinker. Well, what would he think? - "It is foolish. I have nothing to be afraid of," he said to himself.

On the other side of the wall the plaintive sounds of the sick had now become weaker and weaker. Eventually total silence. But this young student still could not fall asleep. The night seemed to be endless. Finally, it was morning. When the student came down he asked the host how things were with the sick.

"He's dead, poor thing. The doctor had actually said that he would not survive the night,"was the reply from the host.
" Do they know who he was? " the student asked. - "Well, it was a student from the High School in Providence, he got sick on his journey," said the host. It gave a jolt to him, because he went at the same school. "What was his name?" - "Ellison," the host replied, "did you know him?"

This young man was as stunned. It was his friend, the friend who had brought him to deny. Many hours had to pass before the student could stand to move on again. All the way home was this repeating sound inside his heart:"dead - and how? - Lost, lost!" His whole conviction and thought of existence was now totally overturned. He came home to his parents, completely changed - heartbroken, challenged, in anxiety and depressed by guilt. His old man had a gratifying task the following days to tell him about God's promises until his son found peace in believing in Jesus. This son was later to become one of the previous century's greatest missionaries: "The apostle, Burma". His name was Adoniram Judson.

"You deceived me, LORD, and I was deceived" (persuaded) Jer. 20.7 NIV
E. Campbell



2nd January 2014


It was very interesting to read of the Age of Chivalry in world history. Back then many of these men made great fortunes, and for that money they built themselves castles. Times were troubled, and therefore they had to think of defending themselves and as good as possible. Many of these knights therefore built castles on an islet or small island in a small lake. They used a drawbridge to connect the castle with the mainland. In this way they could keep the enemies at a distance, because when the enemy approached the castle they only had to raise the bridge, thus preventing the enemy free passage. Like this he could be standing there on land without having to worry. - He also made the walls very thick. But perhaps the most important thin was the windows. Those he made very small. Therefore, it was very difficult for the enemy on land to hit these small windows with their arrows.

Have you ever thought that the human body is just like such a castle? The windows of the castle are the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Our enemy is Satan, and he always aims to send his arrows through the window openings to damage and destroy our soul. And he has succeeded with this many times.

Through the eyes TV and video images enter, which in large part deal with adultery, murder and brutality. This is corrupt and rotten food for the soul. Rarely it is far from thought to action. What people see, they also often do in their daily lives. "When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.” (James 1.13 to 15)

Or this to let his eyes linger on someone else's spouse. I think there are many people who can talk about this, even King David, who was tempted by Bathsheba, Uriah 's wife. Like this David despised the word of God and did what displeased God with many unpredictable and far-reaching sorrows as a result of this ( 2 Sam. 11 and 12). So Satan succeeded in shooting his destructive arrows through David's eyes, and he fell.

Job was more cautious.
“I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.
“If my heart has been enticed by a woman, or if I have lurked at my neighbor’s door, then may my wife grind another man’s grain, and may other men sleep with her. For that would have been wicked, a sin to be judged. It is a fire that burns to Destruction; it would have uprooted my harvest."

(Job 31.1 . 9-12) . NIV

Through the mourth, Satan sends his deadly arrows in the form of intoxicating drinks. A secular saying goes, " When the beer comes in, reason goes out." And it is correct. People can be drunk to do things they would never dream of doing if they had been sober. But God also has something to say about these substances that deplete the body and destroys creation.

"Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? 17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple." ( 1 Cor. 3.16 to 17 ) NIV

Through the nose young people do sniff, and it can be fatal. It paralyzes the respiration and can cause sudden cardiac arrest. It is sad to see young people lie in bed without being able to eat or do anything that young people who may be cared for as diaper children due sniffing. Yes, indeed, Satan has luck.

The last window, we mention here is the ears. We must not listen to bad advices and temptations from our fellowmen. Similarly, there are also music which is both harmful and destructive.

There is help to get if we repent, yes, we have full redemption, God showed us His love in Jesus. His blood cleanses from all sin. We are purer than snow (Psalm 51.9 ). Sin will be lowered into the deepest sea (Micah 7.19 ) and Corrie ten Boom used to say : " A sign with the words " Fishing prohibited "hanging over there. So these sins will never again return and accuse us someday. The sins will not come to God's thoughts again.
Yes, you must understand, for he says of King David, who was a murderer that took someone else's wife, that he was a man after God's own heart (Acts 13.22 ). So great is God's forgiveness. You get a new beginning, a new life, the old has gone (2 Cor. 5.17 ). Does not that sound great ? But then you must also come to him, repent and ask for forgiveness.
Effie Campbell



1st January 2014

Isn't it oldfashioned to learn Bible verses by heart today? However, many parents and teachers have told how Bible verses have been a blessing to their children.
In Copenhagen I taught a children's ring with appx. 20 children. One day a girl came to me and told me about the importance that a Bible verse had for her. " At my school I often recite the verse from John. 6.37: Jesus said
" ... All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away."

She had seen the value in the fact that she could always come to Jesus.

We have seen that children have attended only a few times in the children ring, but that they had learned a bible verse back then that later bore fruit. People whom we met later in life, still remembered the Bible verses they learned as children in the ring.

Kresten says: "I could cite many examples, but I will restrict my self to mention only one example. One day I was at a car dealer. There was a "Hells Angel type” in black leather clothes and with a long ponytail. He looked at me a few times, and then he said:
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." Luke. 19.10 NIV

I smiled at him, but he noticed on my face, how amazed I was.
"Yes," he said, " I've met you once before. You spoke to a family worship, and you taught all in the church this verse." - I was pleased to hear that and I knew that I had not only taught them the Bible verse, but I also carefully had explained to them the context so that the verse could strengthen them, when the audience later in life were in need of the Word of God. "
A mother says the following: "Last summer we were at a family camp. The children taught the kids a memory verse from the Bible. Lea was just 4 years. The 4 days we were there, Leah did not say a word, but when we got home, she said :
“because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.” Hebr. 13.5 NIV

How I was happy, touched and grateful because she had remembered the word of God.
I would recommend anyone who has contact with children in their work, to teach the children memory verses, for it is God's truth. Teach them even a few memory verses a year, so that they stick in their memory.
"Focus on the child ."
E. Campbell translated